Part horror-comedy, part rap video: Gancore Gud (aka Dead Bite), is a journey into the imagination of "The Godfather Of Thai Hiphop", JoeyBoy- who wrote, directed, and stars in the film.
In it, a group of rappers, from the record label Gancore Club, are hired to take part in a photoshoot, with a number of voluptuous, scantily clad, young women, on a mysterious island known as Mermaid Island.
Most of the locals won't go near the island, let alone step foot on it...but that doesn't deter them.
Though, maybe it should have...because it's not long before they are being attacked by ax-wielding maniacs, who pull their victims into the sea.
Are they a native tribe? Zombies? Mermaids (as the island's name might suggest)?
Either way- whoever they are- they are roaming the woods (and the shallows) as they try to hunt down the remaining Gancore Club members.
After nearly being captured, the group of survivors are trapped in a race for their they try to escape the island before this cult of mer-zombies gets them...and finishes them off once and for all.
Oddly enough, the whole thing reminds me of the short film Banana Motherf***er!...albeit slightly more serious (and I do mean slightly).
Both the plot (less it becoming a global pandemic) and the on scene locations are reminiscent to the South American short...which takes a more slapstick-approach- while retaining a sort of humour similar to what we find here.
For example, one of the guys is forced to flee alongside the group with one leg (when he's not being carried)- after losing it during one of the attacks.
Then, a bunch of them mow down on a patch of amanita muscaria mushrooms (out of starvation) and start tripping balls (thinking they're in some sort of Marioworld Bardo).
In the end, the whole thing is kind of like a Thai version of Deliverance...just, with a little more comedy...and a lot more gore.
However, at one legitimately busts into a rap video.
Not ironically, I'm guessing.
The whole thing is effectively just the most epic Thai rap video ever made, really, anyways.
An absolute B-grade cheesefest, in the best possible way.
I quite enjoyed it, to be honest.
I mean, it's not everyday you see a film with a zombies, mermaids, mer-zombies, and a cult based around an immortal.
It's stupid. But it's stupid funny.
Although I may have sensed a hint of anti-Japanese sentiment running throughout it.
I caught it on youtube, with some sub-par (but useable) English subtitles.
They're not ideal, but I'd say it's definitely worth a watch.
It's quite fun.
6 out of 10.