- 1NFLUX Magazine [Martin Hafer]
- An Online Universe [Sam McCosh]
- Austin Chronicle [Marc Savlov]
- Battleship Pretension [Craig Schroeder]
- Battleship Pretension [Matt Warren]
- Behind the Hype [Genna Rivieccio]
- Bluefat [John Payne]
- Blueprint: Review [David Brook]
- Cinapse - DVD [Austin Vashaw]
- CINEMA [Sascha Lara Bleuler]
- German
- Cinemagazine [Jan-Kees Verschuure]
- Dutch
- CineVue [Patrick Gamble]
- ComedyFilmNerds.com [Neil T. Weakley]
- Der Standard [Frank Arnold]
- German
- EyeForFilm.co.uk [Robert Munro]
- Film Pulse [Ernie Trinidad]
- Film-Forward.com [Jack Gattanella]
- Filmmaker Magazine
- Films for Seekers: an annotated list [Peter Lisa]
- Films in Review (DVD) [Roy Frumkes]
- Filmski koticek [Goodfella]
- Slovenian
- Graffiti With Punctuation [Andy Buckle]
- hollywood reporter
- Je m'attarde
- French
- OutNow.CH - Kino
- German
- Screen-Space [Simon Foster]
- ScreenAnarchy [Dustin Chang]
- Slant Magazine [Chris Cabin]
- Smells Like Screen Spirit [Linc Leifeste]
- Sound On Sight [Josh Slater Williams]
- Talking Pulp [Rob Rimes]
- The Hollywood Reporter [Neil Young]
- The Oregonian [Jamie S. Rich]
- Under the Radar Magazine [Austin Trunick]
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