I watched this over the course of two days and it held my interest. The cast was great, the story compelling and the location shooting was a nice change of pace for me as a Brit.
The story is a bit one note... in a sense that it's largely six episodes of one person saying someone did something, then another person saying they didn't. That's mixed with various other family stories, the aftermath of said party and other tribulations.
So it's no surprise that nothing really changes until the end when they begin to wrap stuff up for a conclusion.
Special mention goes to Robin Malcolm who was amazing and makes me want to see more of her work. She just very felt real. I also identified somewhat with some of her struggles when you feel alone and no one will listen.
Worth a watch, for sure. But could have probably done it in half the time with no real loss to the story. I'm not sure it warrants it, but I wouldn't object to a second season to see what happens next.