- Jack: [Yelling at Goatee Man] What the hell's the matter with you? Why are you doing this to me? Is it because of that prick Habal? Fuck you! Why is that murder so fucking significant? We were barely men back then? Did I really start it? Would murder not exist if I didn't kill that little shit? No one else goes through this. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve this! Fuck god, because there isn't one! If there was, she wouldn't let this happen! All I see is you walking around. Let me fucking die. Let me die!
- Cara: Could you just not look at me? It's just uh, you know with uh - the blood and the holes in your head - Oh, God! Just don't look at me!
- Jack: You just saw me put pliers in my head to pull out a bullet. Old age was never a concern of mine.
- Toro Bartender: Man, didn't you hear that shit? He just fucking murdered Gary!
- Grunt: Who?
- Toro Bartender: That dude!
- Derrick: Who the fuck did YOU shoot?
- Toro Bartender: Also, that dude!
- Cara: Uh... I can't... I can't get Andrea to the car, and I am doing more damage trying to get her there, so... I need help!
- Jack: But...
- Cara: "But" what? What could you possibly be doing that is more important? So stop fooling around with that asshole, Jack, and get out there and help your daughter! She's your family, for god's sake!
- Jack: Nothing, I guess.
- Cara: No. No. You said I would never see you again. And here you are an hour later!
- Jack: I need a car and a driver this time.
- Cara: You're a murdering lunatic. Go steal a car!
- Jack: I need someone to take Andrea.
- Cara: You know where Andrea is?
- Jack: I think so.
- Cara: Fuck. Fuck!
- Jack: And if that's the case I need someone on standby when things come together.
- Cara: No, I am so fucking screwed up from tonight, Jack!
- Jack: If you do it, I'll give you this duffle bag.
- [lifts beat-up duffle bag]
- Jack: And your family, and your family's family, will never have to work again.
- Short: Oh, god! Why is he looking at me like that? Oh, god! Oh, god! Chill out! Chill out, man! No, no, no! Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god!