I watched this last night and feel compelled to make this the first review I have done on IMDb. I'm a huge Horror film fan and usually enjoy even the most generic of them. However, this is most definitely the exception.
I'm not sure what exactly it does that is so wrong, but somehow it manages to create zero atmosphere, zero scares, and zero enjoyment. It shouldn't be the case though, with many of the elements there which usually make an at least passable horror film.
(possible minor spoilers ahead in the check list, although I'm sure all are mentioned in the synopsis)
Old house in the middle of nowhere...check. Bad weather...check. Shifty old dude...check. Possessed kid...check.
Yet, for some reason it just fails miserably.
I watched 'Livid' the night before, and whilst not great, it did at least have a tense, foreboding feel about it. Which at least made it worth a watch.
The acting is poor in The Damned, the script is poor, the effects are poor and even the cinematography isn't great either. Not to mention it's almost completely devoid of any 'scares'.
It's the first Horror movie in quite a while in which I found myself utterly bored.
As the headline above says, this is best avoided.