The story revolves around Yu Narukami, a young teenager, who moves to the town of Inaba. He and his new friends soon discover about an alternate reality when they were shockingly pulled inside one of the TVs in the Junes shop. On the other hand, some mysterious string of murders were taking place in Inaba. Upon confronting their dark personalities in a distorted TV world, Narukami and his friends acquired mysterious power called 'Persona' and decided to investigate the murders and save others from getting killed.
Despite the slow start, the storyline is quite intriguing. It keeps getting better and is unpredictable throughout. It has an issue with the pacing though. The show takes much time in introducing the characters and mentioning about their struggles.(The similar kind of a pattern observed in Demon slayer). But it's worth the wait. During the climax, you cannot help but think of Naruto Shippuden because of the way bunch of villains manipulate each other. Nevertheless, these kind of twists really suit to this concept. The ending, despite being quite dramatic at times, was very satisfying and everything felt resolved.
The anime does well in terms of characterization as well. Each character has at least something to offer and all of them are developed really well. However, the writing isn't really flawless. Many a times, even by the 'main character-standard', the show looks very 'Yu Narukami-biased.' It had many interesting characters. Almost each of them had a potential to contribute to the story. But after their respective character arcs, Chie, Yukiko, Rize and Kanji had very little significance for the plot development. Moreover, they had a group of maybe 8 people and yet each of them mostly think or talk only about Yu Narukami. Narukami was like everyone's Harry Potter. The villains, despite reminding us of Madara Uchiha or Kaguya Otsutsuki, were brilliantly handled. Their outlook for life/reality and the way Narukami overcomes their challenges felt really superb.
The anime has an awesome soundtrack. You may not want to skip the openings and the endings. The animation style somewhat reminded me of Steins gate. Both the shows are game-to-anime adaptation.
I totally recommend this show. I wouldn't advise to drop it after few episodes. It's worth giving it a chance as it keeps getting better. I enjoyed this show even though I have never played any Persona game.