In this animated sketch series, a suicidal chicken interrupts a wedding, Ricky the Rocketship's educational trip to the moon with eager children goes horribly awry, and the aliens have to sleep with Jeff's mom to cure her cancer.
In this animated sketch series, a drunk rhino tries to get into a wine tasting, a charity organization solves world hunger by making a giant burrito, and a number of ruthless pranks are played on Gary in "Suck It, Gary."
In this animated sketch series, a man dates a talking fleshlight, aliens force Jeff to live as his ex-girlfriend for a day, and a birthday girl gets very excited about her new pony.
A man falls in love with an artificial vagina, Roy becomes obsessed with a video game, and a cult leader struggles to keep his followers interested in his revelations.
In this animated sketch series, a magical wheelchair takes a child on a debauched trip to Paris, "Dick Genie" helps Billy pursue his crush, and Freddy Kreuger turns wet dreams into wet nightmares.
In this animated sketch series, Dick Genie helps Billy lose his virginity, an old Chinese man tries to find a "Reverse Mail Order Bride" from the US, Bethiffer attempts to give boners to her crush, and TripTank receptionist Ben is kidnapped.
In this animated sketch series, Larry David has lunch with Larry Flynt, an "Animal Hitman" takes out various pets, and Gary's day out playing mini-golf with his son is interrupted by pranks on "Suck It, Gary."
In this animated sketch series, Jeff must find someone to have sex with to prevent aliens from destroying the planet, a doctor performs magic tricks while delivering babies, and Bethiffer tries out a virtual reality video game.