Twenty five years ago Gloria Trevi, Sergio Andrade and Mary Boquitas were arrested on charges of corrupting minors. It's not a secret the only reason they got away of that was because Sergio Andrade's brother was a congressman.
Now we have this bio-serie from Gloria Trevi's point of view. She seems to remember every single detail of the violence she suffered, however, she has been having problems remembering the violence she put other victims through. How convenient!
Let me clarify something, I wouldn't have a problem beleiving that she was actually just another victim, however, her side of the story doesn't match the statements of other the other victims, on the contrary, they pointed her as a strong piece of the gang.
Just in this year Gloria Trevi is facing new lawsuits, however we don't see that in any episode, we don't see either any input of the other victims, just hers, why? Because that doesn't match with her agenda!