- Access Bollywood [Kathy Gibson]
- Arth Joshi
- BollywoodHungama [Taran Adarsh]
- BookMyShow [Saumya Sharma]
- Cinemablographer [Pat Mullen]
- Cinemagazine [Paula Koopmans
- Dutch
- DNA {Blessy Chettiar]
- enter10meant [Ravi Ojha]
- enter10meant [Ravi Ojha]
- Glamsham [Martin D'Souza]
- IBNLive [Rajeev Masand]
- Mediapart [Cédric Lépine]
- French
- Movie-Report.com/Mr. Brown's Movies [Michael Dequina]
- Moviezadd.com [Harshal Patil]
- NGboo Art [Nikola Gocic]
- Serbian
- nowrunning [Mansha Rastogi]
- Rediff [Preeti Arora]
- ScreenAnarchy [Peter Gutierrez]
- Slashershouse.com [Guillaume Montagnana]
- French
- The Times of India [Madhureeta Mukherjee]
- wogma - WithOut Giving the Movie Away [meetu]
- Zippyframes.com [Vassilis Kroustallis]
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