Ryan Reynolds credited as playing...
Randy Schoenberg
- Randol Schoenberg: It's hard to believe Hitler once applied to be an art student here.
- Maria Altmann: I wish they'd have accepted him.
- Randol Schoenberg: I could've searched for the file on my own.
- Maria Altmann: I wasn't going to miss all the fun. This is like a James Bond film, and you're Sean Connery!
- Randol Schoenberg: You could buy a new bungalow... buy anything you want!
- Maria Altmann: I'd like a new dishwasher.
- Randol Schoenberg: We recommend opening the can and exacting the little worm with a pair of tweezers and shutting the can as quickly as possible.
- Maria Altmann: A week ago you weren't even interested and now you're all over me like a rash. What happened?
- Randol Schoenberg: Well, against my better judgment, I think I like you.
- Maria Altmann: [In the Law Office of Bergen Brown Sherman] Everybody here looks as if they are having nervous breakdowns.
- Randol Schoenberg: They are. They are.
- Maria Altmann: Slow down. You can explain everything to me over lunch.
- Randol Schoenberg: No, Mrs. Altmann. I can't do lunch.
- Maria Altmann: I know a very nice place. They do excellent rice pudding.
- Pam Schoenberg: Your mom called again this morning. She wants you to visit the Holocaust memorial when you're there.
- Randol Schoenberg: She mentioned it already, seven times.
- Pam Schoenberg: Well, she said to do it in honor of your great grandparents.
- Maria Altmann: Siegmund and Kamilla. She had the most beautiful eyes, you know, enormous - like an owl.
- Randol Schoenberg: It's almost press time, how do I look?
- Maria Altmann: Sexy and victorious.
- Randol Schoenberg: Oh yeah?
- Maria Altmann: How do I look?
- Randol Schoenberg: You look sexy - and victorious.
- Maria Altmann: So, what do you know about art restitution?
- Randol Schoenberg: Not a thing.
- Maria Altmann: Well, it's never too late to learn. Why don't you come on inside. Have some strudel. I made it especially for you.