Daniel Berilla credited as playing...
- Ashton: Monsters! Are you alright? Did they get you?
- Skylar: No! My life just flashed before my eyes all in thanks to a family of raccoons. I'm really dead now... decaying before your eyes. Wanna see?
- Ashton: Really? Does it hurt?
- Skylar: Only the first time!
- Ashton: Oh, well that's good!
- Jonathan: So, Ash - you still pissing the bed at night?
- Ashton: You know I stopped that! A year... three years ago! No, two years ago!
- Jonathan: Well don't - watersports can be hot!
- Ashton: Oh come on, live a little. Let's do it. Yep - the magic gummy bears want to play!
- Skylar: And, do what? Summon some hot buff demon who will screw your brains out then rip your throat open? No, thank you! Put that thing back where you found it!
- Vlad: My dad used to tell us these woods were haunted by a girl... Malice Valeria.
- Ashton: Oh - I think I knew a girl who had that!
- Vlad: It was her name dumbass, not a disease!
- Ashton: I've been trying to call you! Haven't had any reception though. I think it's the rabbits or something - they're scandalous, you know?
- Ashton: So this is it - the cabin... our torture chamber!