Seriously Davis were you on cr4ck, pot and mushrooms when you were watching this movie? If the filmmaker's intention was to p1ss people off it was a great success. Your review is trash in my opinion and I hate your guts for tricking me into watching this. Why? Because this movie is the worst I've seen in ages, filled with incompetent stupid !@#$ for brain people I can't even describe without spoiling. Also the random montage and flashbacks or whatever I should call that, i.e. when they show short fragments of different timed events and then later on show the same fragment with a little extra make no sense at all. Is this a new way of building up a tension, because the only thing it was building up was my rage meter. Also, the fact that it is a short movie they should fire the c0k3addict that didn't know how to restrain himself from excessive use of the copy paste button and mixed up the whole bundle while blindfolded. This movie would've been better if it lasted only 15 minutes which obviously the last 15 minutes of it. A two for the justice at the end and special effects.