In 1997 WWF was allowed to go PG.14 for 3 years while Vince McMahon and the WWF waited to renewed their TV contract with the USA network the WWF went PG.14 and the Attitude Era was born
Some of the of the matches (first blood. Bra and panties) druring the attitude era we're all unsensored matches because the WWF was underrated
Every week on Monday Night Raw during the Attitude Era. Vince McMahon would take pot shots at Hulk Hogan. Eric Bischoff and WCW
In 1997 Owen Hart want to be released from his WWF contract to join his brother Bret in WCW but Vince McMahon refused so the black Hart Owen Hart in the Attitude Era was born
During the Attitude Era Stone Cold Steve Austin was written off WWF television for two years due to a kayfabe hit and run injury in reality Austin needed time off to recover from his neck injury he suffered in a match against Owen Hart at summerslam 1997