I know right? How can this be? A movie summed up by one picture? This can't be right, surely there is a lot of exaggeration here.
Well ok then, you watch it and come back with a better review, show me what I missed.
Now the one redeeming factor to it it's its length, which stretches a little indeed to 1 hour and 45 min. Disregarding the length, there is close to no plot there, there is a second one, a minor plot that is happening and developing but connects very little to the main story and in rest you will see the absolute same scene over and over again. It is the one from the Poster. I was bored and annoyed till I finally understood that this is all they had, no story written but one scene that would have worked quite nice for a short indeed, but nothing like 20 minutes, but maybe up to 9 whole minutes.
In rest, some scenes, some dialogue and back to the poster again. Does it just not make sense what you're reading right now? Then good luck to you dear viewer, give it a try and after 30 minutes you too will realize that I was right.
Thus, Khanzab is a swing and a miss, but as I kept repeating myself, just ONE swing and ONE miss. No three strikes here. Just a rehash of the same scenes.