When Meghan drives her car over the spike strips, the camera shows a shot of the car's speedometer. Next to it is the temperature gauge which shows the car is fully warmed up even though the car was started seconds ago.
When Meghan steals the bike from the kid, the leaves and twig in her hair changes position between shots.
At the end of the movie, just before the credits, Meghan and Gordon are walking east on Sunset Blvd across the 101 towards Home Depot. After they kiss and the camera goes to an overhead shot and pans out, they are now walking west on Sunset, across the same bridge, and are walking towards a Denny's. The street sign pointing to 101 North also changes to 101 South from one shot to another.
The stain on the yellow dress on the right hand side of the waist appears and disappears after she leaves her car at the tow lot.
When Meghan is crossing the free way she is accosted by the two police officers at first they cover her with their guns. Then they holster their weapons. in the next shot their guns are up and ready.
Airbags do not stay inflated.
It takes far more force than a light corrugated metal fence slowly closing against the side of a car to set of a car's airbag system.
Members of the Jewish Orthodox sect Chabad are shown wearing an abbreviated form of the Tallis (prayer shawl), which is often worn by more liberal groups.
When Meghan turns while talking on the phone with her mother, the phone screen is at the home screen, with no active phone call.
The uniformed station officer in the police station scene is wearing Captain's bars, and he tells the two police officers to report to the [plainclothes] lieutenant. Captains outrank lieutenants pretty much everywhere. Further, the captain mans the radio in other scenes. It is very unlikely that a police captain would be working at the station's front desk, and it's more likely that the officers would be told to report to the captain, not the lieutenant.