- Abus de ciné [Anne-Claire Jaulin]
- French
- Always Watch Good Movies [Carlos Filipe Freitas]
- AntepenúltimoMohicano [Andrea Núñez]
- Spanish
- avoir-alire.com [Virgile Dumez]
- French
- Blueprint: Review [Katy Vans]
- CervenyKoberec.cz [Jiri Kabrt]
- Czech
- Cinefilic.com [Miryam Charles]
- French
- CineVue [Allie Gemmill]
- Cinésthesia [Mike McCahill]
- Dog And Wolf [Mark Wilshin]
- Dork Shelf [Corey Atad]
- EyeForFilm.co.uk [Amber Wilkinson]
- FilmsAndSwearing.com (Stewart Sutherland)
- FilmTotaal [Thierry Verhoeven]
- Dutch
- Goktasi [Guven Goktas]
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- HeyUGuys [Stefan Pape]
- Movie Machine [Constant Hoogenbosch]
- Dutch
- NGboo Art [Nikola Gocic]
- paralelsinema [Oner Gundogdu]
- Turkish
- Pretty Clever Films [Jovana Jankovic]
- Público [Jorge Mourinha]
- Portuguese
- Público [Luís Miguel Oliveira]
- Portuguese
- Radio Times [Trevor Johnston]
- Rick's Cinema [Aníbal Santiago]
- Portuguese
- Seongyong's Private Place [Seongyong Cho]
- Sinematopya.com [Burak Hazine]
- Turkish
- Sound On Sight [Laura Holtebrinck]
- The Flickering Wall [Jorge Mourinha]
- The Japan Times [Kaori Shoji]
- The Lumière Reader [Doug Dillaman]
- The Skinny [Josh Slater-Williams]
- The Upcoming [Matthew McKernan]
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