1 review
I had stopped watching novels since years ago and I am so happy that my girlfriend introduced me to this one for a variety of reasons. I believe every single person of the cast was perfectly picked; the acting is superb. The characters and the script are very funny. I was surprised to see low stars here on IMDb, but I can understand why...it is not a regular "latino novel" and not everyone is going to like it. This is better. Why? It really has story value, the narrative is excellent and I quote "people do not think slavery still exist, but it is happening; human trafficking." Another great characteristic is that women are not full of make up when they wake up like in other novels, they have a more naturalistic look. The mise-en-scene is very accurate. Cinematography is perfectly fine. I love the cultural info and value conveyed in this novel too. That is why I give it a 10 out of 10.