Who had the temerity to call this a thriller? There are so many things wrong with this film, or rather with the way the male lead is portrayed. Okay, Chad was a jerk, but a 21 year old who has sex with a 16 year old is not a paedophile, or pedofile in American-English, and rather than pump and dump his catch as a total jerk would have done, he wanted to be part of his son's life. What is so wrong about that? Some monsters are born, others are made, and he had a terrible start in life as it was. Not a whit of sympathy or empathy for this unfortunate dude. Okay, you wouldn't want him in your daughter's life, but if he'd been offered visitation rights or at the very least if they'd given him a hearing, things wouldn't have turned out half so tragic. Cry for the bad man; you made him that way.