"Axe Cop" is a super-hero cop who has magical powers and adores chopping the heads off baddies. He has no other life--he just lives to kill thousands and thousands of evil doers by lopping off their heads.
Yes, "Axe Cop" is a show made by both a semi-responsible adult AND a 5 year-old! While this might sound stupid, and it is, the child-like characters and dialog make it a lot of fun. So, instead of an intelligent and well thought-out hero and baddies, they are insanely dumb--like the sort of things a 5 year-old boy might think of when he's playing (or on LSD). And, the dialog is equally silly--just like you'd hear from a little kid as well. For example, in one episode Axe Cop says that all girls are stupid--not a sexist comment but more like the sort of thing almost all little boys would say. The overall effect is very random, silly and occasionally very hilarious. Well worth seeing and enjoyable for all ages provided you have a high tolerance for weirdness--which I hope you do.