Michele Placido .. an actor I remember from a crime TV show. Which I certainly have to rewatch once it becomes available in a complete set - might be on a streaming platform I reckon too. But back to this, where he seemingly has a lot of fun with the Politician character he is portraying. Even before the inciting incident you can see his smile that is revealing, yet hiding things ... or is it? Well since he later gets to speak his mind, I think it's fair to say that the smile is hiding things ... or rather was.
Add to that a family that is dysfunctional to say the least, but works in its own right. Everyone having their own struggles and issues. But while there is some social critique, the overall tone is rather silly ... and it may offend some people how people speak to each other. It is under the guise of comedy, but some may not feel that is a valid enough excuse. I liked the movie and I think the tone is well done too ... but you may disagree of course.