My Teacher is a 2022 family drama film directed by Paul Soriano, starring Joey de Leon, Toni Gonzaga, and Loisa Andalio. The film is an official entry to the 2022 Metro Manila Film Festival.
The surface looks good, an individual wanting to make a change, to serve her purpose as an educator. My Teacher is a decent feel-good homage to our second parents at school. While the film lacks layers, it still manages to be pleasant from start to finish.
If you're looking for something deeper though, you might get a little disappointed. The film might touch on certain issues like the unfair treatment of both the students and the teachers from people with authority, and the lack of substance exploring the issues of why someone is taking his high school years as a senior citizen.
My Teacher is a breeze to watch if you're not looking for something that packs something emotionally big. While it does have some emotional moments, it could have used those emotional baggage for the film to have a more meaningful watch.