Michael Beach credited as playing...
Simon Caprisi
- Simon Caprisi: Something doesn't feel right.
- Gage: That's how it feels when you're about to change history.
- Gage: Simon, tell me those numbers look good.
- Simon Caprisi: I don't know yet.
- Gage: Well, I'm sure they're fine.
- Gage: The reactor didn't cause this. Bad mapping caused this.
- Simon Caprisi: What's that supposed to mean?
- Gage: It means that F5s don't just magically appear, okay? And they're not conjured by what we did.
- Simon Caprisi: Hey, where the hell are you going?
- Gage: They're going to die with their families is my guess.
- Simon Caprisi: What about you?
- Gage: No. Never got along with my family.