The only thing I liked about this movie was the music and some of the pictures. Standing pictures. The whole concept of the movie is based on the situation between those girls. Lily isn't really played by a strong actress, so the opposition to Kat has completely failed. The storyline itself is not exciting, not gripping, not very meaningful. It is a story about girls in the beginning of their twens. From my own experience I can say, that they are barely adults and that is what dominates this movie. Unrational, childish behavior. And how this plays out over the whole picture, and how it is made and woven is, subsequently observed, very poor. I would have liked the movie without the conversations and without the video. Just the music and some art-like looking stills. That would have been enough. No ground breaker, no beautiful background or relationships. Just poor judgment, despair and a little failure. Do we really need that in a medium, that is kinda supposed to let us escape from that darned reality? I almost couldn't stand it till the end. But I wanted to see, if at least that was somehow resolving or meaningful. But it wasn't. A total waste of time.