"John the Artist" tells the story of Joao, a sensitive artist imprisoned by the poverty, death, and violence that surround him in the lawless slums of Brazil. He is faced with the absurdity ... Read all"John the Artist" tells the story of Joao, a sensitive artist imprisoned by the poverty, death, and violence that surround him in the lawless slums of Brazil. He is faced with the absurdity of wanting to express himself but never finishes a work, of calling for help but not being... Read all"John the Artist" tells the story of Joao, a sensitive artist imprisoned by the poverty, death, and violence that surround him in the lawless slums of Brazil. He is faced with the absurdity of wanting to express himself but never finishes a work, of calling for help but not being able to speak, wanting love but running from it. His greatest act of cruelty is his great... Read all