Storyline was okay, but told a hundred times by now (main character with amnesia, bad dad looking for redemption,...). You will not be surprised at any point, because it is so cookie cutter written. Also I feel like they did what german productions do to all scripts: Add some LGBT+ representation and racism/nazi themes that do nothing for the plot just because. I doubt it was in there before and REALLY alienating to see some their social commentary ham-fisted in.
It might keeps you interested enough to stay for the final, but in the end you get a lukewarm showdown and an eye roll inducing resolution.
Some actors did a decent job, most not so much. You could have cut half without losing anything, so this might should have been a better B-movie.
I can not recommend the show to anyone but diehard fans of german television crime series like "Tatort". You get some nice shots of Berlin, tho.