You know how things are . You're sitting on the a fairly crowded bus , the seat next to you is vacant and then someone at the bus stop catches your eye and they step on the bus and your first thoughts are " Oh please don't sit next to me " but karma has kicked you in the teeth big time and some weirdo walks closer to you and you just know they're going to sit right next to you . LAST REMNANTS is an extension of this set in an American diner
At least I think it is . Charles A Pieper's short film is apparently based on an article published in The Chicago Herald a hundred years ago and one wonders if perhaps you might have to read the article in question in order to understand the short film better . One also wonders just how true this article might have been because the character that inspired this short ( Remember I haven't seen the original article ) seems here to be a bit too quirky and larger than life to have existed in real life . LAST REMNANTS is a fair enough short film and does contain a good use of lighting so it's not a total loss