I am sure there is a drama teacher out there thinking this is a work of art for the elites, but for us normal folks ... RUN!
Talk about low budget, I bet the motel 6 room rental was their biggest expense. And the script ... WHAT script? I am sure there was a storyboard, probably a dozen or so slides, but other than that? ... c'mon. You read more signs than anything else over the 42 minutes. I am pretty sure there wasn't a single word spoken.
Oh there are thespians that would love to spend 42 hours talking about the symbology, and your drama/film teacher would give high marks. If that is what you are into, be my guest. But outside of the actors guild, this probably has little to no value.
Oh, and don't forget about the SIGNIFICANT company that put this on ... and you see all of their names during the opening credits (how could they have possibly found that much work for them to do on this?).