- Abus de ciné [Quentin Chirol]
- French
- aVoir-aLIre.com [Jean-Claude Arrougé]
- French
- Camera Obscura [Thibaut Grégoire]
- French
- Cine61 [Jonah Tash] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Cine61 [Jonathas Soares]
- Portuguese
- Cinefilic.com [Jean-Marie Lanlo]
- French
- DVDFr.com [Philippe Gautreau]
- French
- ecranlarge.com [Simon Riaux]
- French
- filmdienst.de [Marius Nobach]
- German
- frenchcinemareview.com [Judith Prescott]
- gurkankilicaslan.com [Gürkan Kilicaslan]
- Turkish
- L'Oeil sur l'Ecran
- French
- La Presse [Maude L'Archeveque]
- French
- Letterboxd
- revue24Images.com [Celine Gobert]
- French
- The Hollywood Reporter [John DeFore]
- The Hollywood Reporter [Jordan Mintzer]
- À voir et à manger [Nicolinux]
- French
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