Belçim Bilgin credited as playing...
Suzan Özsoy
- Suzan Özsoy: No word from God No fruit on the trees Neither memories embrace Nor ships ever return Why are you laughing? I found a good reason. It's so cold.
- Suzan Özsoy: I can't figure out if I was bored because I didn't understand... Or I didn't understand because I was bored.
- Rustu Onur: That's poetry for you.
- Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu: I hate you leaving like this. Without a laugh.
- Suzan Özsoy: I have no reason to laugh.
- Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu: You're so beautiful. You can laugh for no reason too.
- Rustu Onur: We didn't understand so were bored The bakerwas uninspired so we starved
- Suzan Özsoy: So is that a poem?
- Rustu Onur: I don't know. Maybe.