14 reviews
A romantic movie that shows everyday romances in a more realistic way than the fairy tales we are so used too. Here we have people dealing with the problems that come when you are building a relationship with other. It can be that one prefers to be alone and not many people can challenge it, that one wants to start it with somebody who prefers to have no commitment or that one is in love with a friend.
The movie isn't bad. But it isn't great either. It started too slow for me and took too long before I felt a slight caring for the relationships between the people on the screen. Unfortunately it didn't make me care as much as it should.
The great parts about the movie are the acting. Katherine Waterston is absolutely perfect in her role. I almost fell in love with her myself and I am not a lesbian. And I absolutely loved the scene where Danny talks about the ending of movies. It kind of predicts the ending but also gives us so much more meaning for it.
The movie isn't bad. But it isn't great either. It started too slow for me and took too long before I felt a slight caring for the relationships between the people on the screen. Unfortunately it didn't make me care as much as it should.
The great parts about the movie are the acting. Katherine Waterston is absolutely perfect in her role. I almost fell in love with her myself and I am not a lesbian. And I absolutely loved the scene where Danny talks about the ending of movies. It kind of predicts the ending but also gives us so much more meaning for it.
- ComedyFan2010
- Oct 12, 2017
- Permalink
Dan is making a film about relationships in new york. Some people are happy to be involved in the project. Many are not. He meets a girl who seems to be up for open relationships, but just not with him. His best friend is a wise lesbian, who has her own relationship issues. One drawback in the film is that people seldom use names, so we never really know who is who. A funny thing... when i saw the title, i thought it sounded like a woody allen movie, and they do talk about woody allen rght at the beginning. Lots of talk about which is better.. .being in a turbulent relationship, or just being single and lonely. It's kind of like we're in dan's head, hearing this whole debate. Written, starring, and directed by Tom Obrien. Not bad. Interesting discussions. I'm surprised at the lower ratings on imdb.
I found myself zoning out so many times I can't even believe I managed to finish this movie. You think you're listening to some boring conversation then you realize it's the movie. The basic storyline is fairly compelling, but the characters lack depth and emotions. I was wildly underwhelmed by this movie based on the description.
- Calicodreamin
- Sep 11, 2019
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"A man makes a documentary of different romance relationships, and starts being part of those relationships"
Reality: The full movie He just interviewed 2 people, not many as it seems to be. The man is non-sense, narrow minded and worse: there is no goal in the movie! A total waste of time
Reality: The full movie He just interviewed 2 people, not many as it seems to be. The man is non-sense, narrow minded and worse: there is no goal in the movie! A total waste of time
- diegodarocha-60764
- Mar 7, 2020
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'Manhattan Romance' begins with film-maker Danny embarking on a documentary about relationships, which requires him to interview various acquaintances and strangers about their love lives. One of them is a manipulative neo-hippie tease called Theresa, who encourages him to give her topless massages while she talks about her poly-amorous life-style. Her flirting has Danny anticipating detours into her bedroom, but she keeps putting him off with vague excuses. In between these frustrating encounters, he visits his friend Carla and films her discussing her lesbian romance. When he complains to Carla about his unrequited desires for Theresa, she offers only amused eye-rolls and muted sympathy in response.
The film is Tom O'Brien's second feature as writer/producer/director/actor, and his contributions give the excellent cast plenty of space to create intriguing characters. The story takes some interesting twists and turns as Danny zigzags between his project and real life relationships. The boundary separating these two zones becomes increasingly blurred, leaving Danny unsure about his ability to connect with other people. 'Manhattan Romance' delivers sophisticated accessible entertainment, which is both playful and poignant, before the narrative unfolds to a satisfying conclusion.
The film is Tom O'Brien's second feature as writer/producer/director/actor, and his contributions give the excellent cast plenty of space to create intriguing characters. The story takes some interesting twists and turns as Danny zigzags between his project and real life relationships. The boundary separating these two zones becomes increasingly blurred, leaving Danny unsure about his ability to connect with other people. 'Manhattan Romance' delivers sophisticated accessible entertainment, which is both playful and poignant, before the narrative unfolds to a satisfying conclusion.
- tigerfish50
- Feb 17, 2015
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What a thoroughly enjoyable film Mr. O'Brien has created for those of us that love this genre. I have to laugh at the low IMDb score since, as romantic comedic dramas go, this is just about as good as it gets. Mr. O'Brien's talents as a writer/actor/director are off the charts, as was the performance by Ms. Waterston, who crafted a genuine and spellbinding character that pulls you in and holds your attention. I expect huge things in the future from these two talented performers and can't wait to watch their careers develop. My Wife and I have yet to see Fairhaven, but it is now next up in our cue and expectations are high. If you are a hopeless romantic that enjoys witty, heartfelt dialogue delivered by wonderfully crafted characters, you will love this film. I give it 9 out of 10!
- schaffers13
- Aug 2, 2016
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Such a great candid perspective on love an romance and with meta twist on top. Loved it!
- vlad-917-978668
- Apr 24, 2020
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I'm not really that good at reviews, in fact this is the first one I write, but when I saw IMDb rating I felt oblige to do so.
This is great and very realistic film about love and everyone who is not brain dead should see it. The acting was very, very good. I completely and helplessly felt in love with Katherine Waterston, she was magnificent at least and from now on I'll be following her career very closely.
The actor, producer, director and writer Tom O'Brien made one hell of a movie, his performance as an actor was close to perfect and in my opinion. The whole documentary like theme was perfect for the purpose of the movie only one thing I can say - Respect!
P.S. Sorry about my poor English.
This is great and very realistic film about love and everyone who is not brain dead should see it. The acting was very, very good. I completely and helplessly felt in love with Katherine Waterston, she was magnificent at least and from now on I'll be following her career very closely.
The actor, producer, director and writer Tom O'Brien made one hell of a movie, his performance as an actor was close to perfect and in my opinion. The whole documentary like theme was perfect for the purpose of the movie only one thing I can say - Respect!
P.S. Sorry about my poor English.
Manhattan Romance is the film I've been waiting for, finally a realistic portrayal of bisexual relationships in mainstream media. I was intrigued by the way each character was struggling with a different aspect of what it means to fall in love! This movie does a great job of demonstrating the different views people have when starting a relationship and that's why it stuck with me! Tom O'Brien who wrote, and directed, the film did a superb job crafting this script. The film, which is about a modern day love triangle set in New York City, had lines that I would find myself saying on a daily basis. The fact that a writer can be so vulnerable is a true testament to his work. I found myself thoroughly intrigued with this film, can't wait to see it again.
- nikkizehren
- Oct 15, 2015
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I was looking for a date night movie with my boyfriend and I found this one online. I fell in love with this movie because of the way it approached all different kinds of love with complete acceptance and an attempt at understanding. There is a lesbian, a woman who is figuring out her sexuality, a straight male, and a straight female who only involves herself in open relationships. And none of these people are portrayed as anything but individuals, acknowledging the fascinating role sexuality plays in society today. As this movie went on, I found that I loved the dialogue and the interactions between all of the characters.
- cailey-evans
- Oct 15, 2015
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A genuine modern tale. O'Brien takes the role of a gentle and nice guy with strength and depth. He has written dialogue for the messed up of today. His complicated guy actually is one of the most interesting male characters in a contemporary movie. He doesn't fall over for the strong and articulate women and holds his own. Being alone is part of his completeness and he doesn't see it as a problem. He bats off the usual gay slings so pointedly thrown at single guys today without a concern of personal intrusion. And he moves gracefully around complicated sexual people with ease. Scattered throughout are tiny snips of relationships as they fall, rise and find their centres. It's a talky movie and all the better for it.
- brycefiona
- Nov 2, 2017
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At first, I wasn't sure if this was a romance movie or not. I was very confused by the plot and direction the movie was going, but at the end I realized the point of such a movie. The whole thing was shot as a documentary within a documentary into someone's life. It's not about a long, perilous journey that ends in a neat little bow at the end like most movies do. This was a documentary into someone's life, with all the nitty gritty details added in: the awkward pauses, the things left unsaid, the body language, the silent conversations, the lies, etc. And I honestly loved that new take. The ending wasn't wrapped into a neat little bow, because life isn't like that at all. It wasn't just a new take on the movie plot, but a new take on what a movie should leave you with. It's ugly and awkward and wonderful all at the same time, just like real life romances are.
The only complaint I have about it is that I would like to have seen more scenes with our main character and his film editing, as I felt like that was a really important character detail and would have given more insight into him as a character and his thought process behind love and relationships. A lot of his character development was left unsaid, which is understandable given the message at the ending, but I would have loved to see him film others in his documentary.
If you're not into indie films or thought-provoking (but not necessarily happy) endings, this is not the movie for you. But if you are, I would definitely give it a try before you skip past it on your Netflix list. It's different, but in a good, cringey, awkward, wonderful sort of way
- mjcapriotti
- Feb 16, 2019
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The acting of Katherine Waterston as Carla is very natural and convincing. The scenes with Danny and Carla in this movie are very memorable, which I keep re-watching.
- littlematchltm
- Jun 15, 2020
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Watched this for two times and I do love it. Don't want this film to end. I don't think this film follows the traditional narrative of a film about lovers, instead, it draws a normal, simple, but impressive picture of the lives in New York City. Katherine Waterston's character is wonderful and promising, just like the person in real life! If you have a view at some other films of her, you'll find what a brilliant actress she is.
- zhangmo-72013
- Feb 20, 2021
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