Extra-ordinarily touching film, created with such a sensitivity that you can't help but fall in love with the characters, the setting and the visuals. All beautifully handled by Vasquez, a first time writer/director?; never mind, as Elsie is free now, and the sky is enormous - freedom and enormity are synonymous with the possibilities that lay ahead of Vasquez for he handles his first endeavour with professionalism, finesse and skill. Well done, Mr. Vasquez. Looking forward to your next project.
The young actor, Dawson Montoya, is a generous young performer, that gives his role depth and realism in a mismatched cast of amateurs and semi pros. His facial expressions and movement is honest and holds the rest of the supporting parts together. From the ruggedly handsome Uncle Vic (Ray Renati) to the under stated part of Jimmy's friend, Puck, sadly underdeveloped, the only other kudos in the acting department can go to Jason Lieu for though he and Montoya didn't really make the screen click with chemistry, Lieu certainly does offer a certain honesty that is refreshing.
I gave this film 8/10 easily on IMDb because the only issue I can find is one scene with the blocking in a scene between Ruben and Jimmy; the lack of time for rehearsals is obvious with David Klein's overacting and a script that was perhaps too tight (probably due to budget constraints). The score is simple and touching, the sound was perfect, no problem at all and a really well told tale. Congratulations to the entire cast, one of the sweetest films I've seen in a while.