- Laila: What's up with him?
- Zaheer: He's been in hospital. He's been really ill. He's just come home. He wants you home. I know it's not your fault, but... You don't know how much he loves you. I love you so much. I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't. I want our family to be peace. I want everything to be the way it used to be. You're my baby sister. Get your stuff, come on!
- Laila: When you went to Pakistan, you left me.
- Zaheer: Do you know how it feels to be in between you and dad all the time? Any little thing I have to deal with it!
- Laila: He threatened to kill me.
- Zaheer: Do you blame him? Look what you've done! Fucking living like a shizzer! Do you think he can show his face anywhere? Listen, get your shit, let's go!
- Laila: Dad's not sick.
- Zaheer: Get up now! I'm not gonna tell you again! Get Up! Get your shit, let's go!
- Laila: I'm not going anywhere.
- [First Lines]
- Aaron: A great bird landed here. Its songs drew men out of rock. Living men out of bog and heather. Its song put a light in the valleys and harness on the long moors. Its song brought a crystal from space and set it in men's heads. The bird died. Its giant bones blackened and became a mystery. The crystal in mens' heads blackened and fell to pieces. The valleys went out. The moorland broke loose.