- Adamthemoviegod (Adam Weber)
- Ain't It Cool News [Ambush Bug]
- Astro Radio Z
- Axe to Grind
- Axel Kohagen
- Back Online. Back On Duty. [Brobocop]
- Beneath the Underground
- Blood Sucking Geek
- Body Bags [Moodz616]
- Body Count Podcast
- Brothers Grim
- Cinema Crazed
- Cinema Outlaw
- Creeper Cast
- Cropsy's Crypt
- Daniel W Kelly
- Daydreamer
- Demons of Celluloid
- Dr. Catsu The Gore Splattered Corner
- Film Bizarro [Preston Carnell]
- Full Moon [The Wolf]
- Gore Splattered Corner
- Hacked in the Head [Mark B]
- Halloween Love
- Horror 1896 [Travis]
- Horror Film Club [Eric Curto]
- Horror Movie Diary [Maynard Morrissey]
- Horror Movies Uncut [Stacey Beth]
- Horror Society
- Horror Society [Bluetooth]
- Horror Source 101
- Horrorfying Blog
- Horrorscope 101
- HorrorTalk [ZigZag]
- House of Geekery
- Idle Chatter
- In the Audience
- Independent Flicks [Jorgen Lundin]
- Kevin's Catalogue.
- L.A. Horror
- Lake Front Row
- Letterboxd
- Letterboxd [Jay H]
- Liberal Dead [James Harris]
- Mermaid Heather
- Movie Fan Central [Bryan Ellis]
- Otoobach [YouTube]
- Popcorn Horror
- Real Queen of Horror
- Repulsive R.
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