1 review
The Lorraine Page Orchestra plays the title song while the Six Hits And A Miss -- six men and a lady -- sing the song in a swing style in this soundie.
Soundies were short films, usually about three minutes, meant to be played on a machine called the Mills Panaram. These devices could be found in bars, diners, night clubs .... the sort of places that might have ordinary jukeboxes. The difference was that each song cost a dime and you got the movie accompanying it. Between 1940 and 1946, Mills and other companies produced more than two thousand soundies, many featuring performers in their first screen appearances who would go on to better known things, like Doris Day and Nat King Cole.
Soundies were short films, usually about three minutes, meant to be played on a machine called the Mills Panaram. These devices could be found in bars, diners, night clubs .... the sort of places that might have ordinary jukeboxes. The difference was that each song cost a dime and you got the movie accompanying it. Between 1940 and 1946, Mills and other companies produced more than two thousand soundies, many featuring performers in their first screen appearances who would go on to better known things, like Doris Day and Nat King Cole.