I'm shocked that the producers allowed Jill and her two idiot followers to steal the sleeping bags of the other contestants. In sub- freezing temperatures, how could she even consider doing this? I couldn't believe it was allowed to occur. After that, she also entered another contestant's camp and harrased and began taking apart his camp right in front of him! His only resort would to be to physically attack her- which if course he would not do. She relished the idea if doing this and displayed the most reprehensible behavior- tainting him and smiling while she did it.
I don't remember a more truly disgusting person on television. As sample if what a phoney she was csn be seen when she cried when having to kill a squirrel for food. Apologizing to it and thank it for its "sacrifice"- as if she was a decent, feeling person.
She should have been pulled out of the show as soon as the producers saw her horrible behavior. As far as her life after the show, her friends, relatives and clients must be in shock and embarrassed by her. Shame on Netflix for allowing this to happen.