I have been open to various rabbit holes. For instance, I think that Vietnam was a pretty bad idea, despite that "we" had been "attacked" in the Gulf of Ton-kin. I was skeptical that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and it turns out they didn't.
I was a little bit worried that the caves beneath Tora Bora were a massive Bin-Laden-engineered super-complex of jet aircraft controlling, tower-dropping, WMD slinging, freedom-crushing, civilian-killing death aimed at all us all us good freedum loving folks in Amurka...
But I was a little let down when that turned out to be false.
The thing I always told myself was that, having waded through all that M5M crap about Iraq having WMD's, etc., at least I never fell for the gummint UFO psy-op.
Well, I think this show is a very understated, non-alien-ascribing, fact-based, take on the issue of unidentified things that fly around in sky. I have no horse in this race, because I've been bust getting used to all the other crap in the M5M narrative that turns out to be totally false,. This show is actually very impartial and neutral and interesting. There are no quacks in it. Nobody whatsoever is arguing that these phenomena are aliens or anything like that.
It's just tight, minimalist reporting and is pointing out things that are obvious and non-controversial. You will not hear any "Greys sodomized me" or any other deranged BS in this program. It's a clean, impartial, scientific, journalistic look at UFOs / UAPs or whatever.
Having said all that, I don't think they are aliens. Not for a minute! But neither does anyone in this program. All they are saying, is that stuff i going on in the sky that is difficult to explain.
Check it out. It's very acceptable, fact-based journalism. It's not WOO at all,