In the grand tapestry of true crime documentaries that dot our Netflix queues like so many unsolved mysteries, "Who Killed Robert Wone?" emerges as the dark horse that somehow gallops right into the absurdist theater. This documentary grabs you by the collar, tosses you into a rollercoaster, and halfway through, you're not sure if you're trying to solve a murder or decipher the plot of a David Lynch film. The filmmakers present a case so tangled that if Sherlock Holmes and Scooby-Doo teamed up, they'd end up debating the nature of reality instead of solving the crime.
Amidst the chaos, there's an odd charm to how seriously everyone takes themselves. You've got investigators throwing around theories that seem to have been inspired by a late-night binge of Agatha Christie novels, mixed with a bit of "Ancient Aliens" for good measure. And let's not overlook the true-crime sleuths, who, with their corkboards and red yarn, give off the vibe that they might just solve world hunger if they ever manage to untangle the mystery of Robert Wone's death.
By the end of "Who Killed Robert Wone?", you're left with more questions than answers, a slight headache, and an unexpected appreciation for the documentary's ability to make the utterly bewildering entertaining. Whether or not you come out of this cinematic labyrinth with any sense of closure is irrelevant; what matters is the journey - a bizarre, convoluted, yet strangely captivating trek through one of true crime's most peculiar cases.