I couldn't even bear to watch the first episode. I got annoyed by the fact that the entire city of Athens is portrayed as one big graffiti canvas. Guys, let's relax a bit-I'm not sure where they found this area. Athens isn't as grim as it appears in this film. It is, but not to that extent.. I'll watch the rest out of curiosity, but let's tone it down a bit."
I hope it's just the first episode. In the movie they ask the protagonist if it's nice, and he says yes really why??. All we saw were abandoned buildings in a city where the most defining feature seems to be the graffiti
I live in the ceter of Athens, and I have to say that Athens is not like that.
Despite my initial frustration with the first episode, I ended up watching it all, and as far as the themes it deals with, I really liked it. At first, I thought it would be a comedy, but I would classify it as a drama series with strong social content. It was very moving. I also liked the development of the characters and their relationships with each other.
Watching it, I got over my initial reaction that, okay, it's not that messy, although it still bothered me a little. In the end, it was worth it."