I read the very short synopsis and the story grabbed my attention. So I watched it. All seemed good and the story was going smoothly until it started turning into a bit of a Twin Peaks, extremely confusing in other words!
I was surprised to see Nick Frost cast in a serious/psychopathic role. It was like Kevin James giving a surprising performance in Becky. Both comedians and both did quite well playing serious roles.
Like I said this movie began to go all over the place three-quartres into it. It was very confusing towards the end.
I could not make anything out of it. Was it supposed to be a horror Groundhog Day movie? Was it supposed to be like Ryde?
There was nothing wrong with the performane of the cast. But the story and moreover the ending seriously disappointed me! I suspect the person who posted the first contribution must be one of the producers or someone somehow connected to the movie.