- Sight and Sound [Roger Luckhurst]
- A Nightmare on Film Street [Jonathan Dehaan]
- Alliance of Women Film Journalists (Alexandra Heller-Nicholas)
- AnyGoodFilms
- Bloody-Flicks.co.uk - Simon Thompson
- Creepy Catalog [Chris Catt]
- Dark Eyes of London (David Dent)
- Desperate Living [David Flint]
- disappointment media [Sean Boelman]
- DreadCentral
- Elements of Madness [Douglas Davidson]
- EyeForFilm [Jennie Kermode]
- Fearsome Queer [Brandon Stanwyck]
- Film Freedonia [Roderick Heath]
- For It Is Man's Number [Kevin Matthews]
- Gazettely [Naser Nahandian]
- Geek Legion of Doom (Leo)
- Ginger Nuts of Horror [Mark Walker]
- HEAVEN OF HORROR [Karina Adelgaard AKA ScreamQueen]
- Hollywood News (Kat Hughes)
- Horror Buzz [Brian Fanelli]
- Horror DNA [Joel Harley]
- Horror Fuel [Joseph Perry]
- J.B. Spins [Joe Bendel]
- Loud And Clear Reviews [Justin Bower]
- Mark Reviews Movies [Mark Dujsik]
- Moria - The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review [Richard Scheib]
- Movie Reviews 101 (Darren Lucas)
- Nashville Scene (Jason Shawhan)
- Nerdly [Phil Wheat]
- On: Yorkshire Magazine [Roger Crow]
- Overly Honest Reviews [Chris Jones]
- Projected Figures [Anton Bitel]
- Roger & Me [Brett Arnold, Mark Dujsik]
- Scannain (Jason Coyle)
- Sunshine State Cineplex [Alan French] - Overlook 2024
- The Fright Club NI [Gavin Logan]
- The Grump Of Horror [Kevin Crighton]
- The Guardian [Peter Bradshaw]
- The MN Movie Man [Joe Botten]
- The Movie Waffler [Benjamin Poole]
- The Reviewing Rodders [James Rodrigues]
- Trick or Treat Radio [Wolfenstein, Ravenshadow, MZ]
- Warped Perspective [Keri O'Shea]
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