31 reviews
.........In the opening scene the girl walks up the jetty in shoes, close up on her face, she turns back, long shot again aaaaaaaand she's wearing flip flops. They even make a point of the flip flip being found in the water for God's sake! I swear, if there is any money in this stuff I've missed a trick. How bad a director do you have to be!?!? Lol.
Overall, the movie should've been bitten by the alligator.
I'm a Zoe Bell fan but this was not her best outing. Campy almost funny effect to the movie.
Joe Lando's acting and the twist ending did help salvage some of the movie.
Still, best actor in the movie goes to the alligator.
I'm a Zoe Bell fan but this was not her best outing. Campy almost funny effect to the movie.
Joe Lando's acting and the twist ending did help salvage some of the movie.
Still, best actor in the movie goes to the alligator.
- bronzeplayer
- Nov 8, 2020
- Permalink
I'm a sucker for a creature feature, but I just couldn't get through this one. Zoë Bell did her best. Most of the actors did, in fact. I've seen worse. Much worse. But you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear. You just end up with a weird lookin' purse and a really angry pig.
Or something like that.
In any case, for me the two big problems were editing and visual effects. Obviously, in a creature feature, visual effects are your bread and butter. And, sadly, the bread and butter in this movie made for one laughable sandwich. I've seen smartphone apps that could superimpose digital effects more convincingly. Made me feel bad for the monster. Poor fella.
As for the editing, it was just a bit... wonky. People standing still for just a beat too long at the start of a scene, for example. Just makes things seem a bit unnatural. And the movie's editing woes gave some scenes a really odd sense of timing. For example, the scene where the lady's playing fetch with her dog, Fluffy. Oddly cut and oddly timed with weird shots of a dog standing alone in the weeds... If you haven't seen the movie and you're a kinda confused trying to picture what I just said in your head, that's pretty much what it feels like watching the scene, too.
I was really hoping I'd like this one, but I just couldn't. I'm sorry, Zoë.
Or something like that.
In any case, for me the two big problems were editing and visual effects. Obviously, in a creature feature, visual effects are your bread and butter. And, sadly, the bread and butter in this movie made for one laughable sandwich. I've seen smartphone apps that could superimpose digital effects more convincingly. Made me feel bad for the monster. Poor fella.
As for the editing, it was just a bit... wonky. People standing still for just a beat too long at the start of a scene, for example. Just makes things seem a bit unnatural. And the movie's editing woes gave some scenes a really odd sense of timing. For example, the scene where the lady's playing fetch with her dog, Fluffy. Oddly cut and oddly timed with weird shots of a dog standing alone in the weeds... If you haven't seen the movie and you're a kinda confused trying to picture what I just said in your head, that's pretty much what it feels like watching the scene, too.
I was really hoping I'd like this one, but I just couldn't. I'm sorry, Zoë.
- CrunchyBug
- May 21, 2016
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I love creature features and the first three quarters of this one was okay and then it went extremely down hill. It had the worst ending ever and I don't even know if there is a sequel or not but there should be. I am so sorry Zoe Bell. This so far is by far the worst creature feature I have ever seen yet. Whomever wrote this and creative and everybody involved in creating this story should never work in this industry again.
- lovettstough
- Dec 25, 2020
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I love B movies; however, I just couldn't get through this one. I'm pretty sure my 10 year old could make a better creature effect with her phone.
Why do these movies persist in filling their craptacular creature features with terrible stereotypes and irritating characters?
I swear, the arrogant "gator expert" was specifically designed to annoy everyone she came in contact with (including the audience!).
Sour-faced tart Melody who flirts with peoples boyfriends ...? not even sure why she went along to this so-called party, since she was apparently the small town back-brace wearing outcast and is still bitter about it.
Deputy Doofy.... ugh. Just stop talking. Stop.
Richie Rich (Travis) ... don't even get me started. These airheads... err, people... are supposed to be in their early 20s, but he looks well into his mid-40s.
Stilted poorly delivered dialogue... poorly edited .. god-awful sound design and terrible music...
Not so bad it's good - just bad.
Sour-faced tart Melody who flirts with peoples boyfriends ...? not even sure why she went along to this so-called party, since she was apparently the small town back-brace wearing outcast and is still bitter about it.
Deputy Doofy.... ugh. Just stop talking. Stop.
Richie Rich (Travis) ... don't even get me started. These airheads... err, people... are supposed to be in their early 20s, but he looks well into his mid-40s.
Stilted poorly delivered dialogue... poorly edited .. god-awful sound design and terrible music...
Not so bad it's good - just bad.
A while ago there was a fake trailer, that set up a movie where a shark was in a swimming pool and everyone panicked because they didn't know what to do. It played finely and made great fun of many horror clichés, like people jumping into the pool, even though that was where the shark was and they still went in like lemmings on a suicide mission ... well you get the point.
Why do I mention it? Well even though it's a "crocodile" here (well the CGI is so bad, you almost wish Ed Wood made this with some rubber alligator! Would've been a lot funnier!) and a lake, the people here seem to be as "stupid" as the ones in the fake trailer. Unfortunately it is not played for laughs, but they try to make it serious and fail on a big scale. Add to that the predictability, the bad writing, directing and "acting" and you have something that either can make a good party/drink film or you should just stay away from as far as possible. You kinda feel sorry for Alligators and Zoe Bell.
Why do I mention it? Well even though it's a "crocodile" here (well the CGI is so bad, you almost wish Ed Wood made this with some rubber alligator! Would've been a lot funnier!) and a lake, the people here seem to be as "stupid" as the ones in the fake trailer. Unfortunately it is not played for laughs, but they try to make it serious and fail on a big scale. Add to that the predictability, the bad writing, directing and "acting" and you have something that either can make a good party/drink film or you should just stay away from as far as possible. You kinda feel sorry for Alligators and Zoe Bell.
- katerowe-71761
- Feb 12, 2021
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Just your typical super gator killing teens movie.. or is it? So this movie had bad acting, bad editing, no real flow, and bad transitions. Honestly it felt like it was a high school movie project. Still thought, it was entertaining enough for me to watch until the end. For that, I'm glad because that was certainly an interesting twist or two at the end.
- starmoon_91
- May 19, 2016
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Now I am not saying that this movie is going to win an Oscar, but I would not say that it is awful. I have seen awful and this movie isn't it. Kinda reminds me of something I would see on Sunday on the Scifi channel. I gather with a low budget it's hard to make the alligator look super realistic and Deputy Douche is well not fabulous, but I still liked the movie. I love horror movies and while this is not the scariest movie that I have ever watched, it was still a good movie. I would much rather watch this then some cheesy horror flick on the lifetime channel. Zoe Bell did a GREAT job as did Joe Lando and Tom O'Connell. AS for Christopher Biewer, he needs to find another profession. He was the whole reason that I had any big issue with the film. That is why I have lovingly named him Deputy Douche.
The other reviewers have said it all. What a shame,, but,, Zoe saves this clunker from complete failure. She is great in everything she does,, and I have seen every one of her other films~!~! A bit confused why she executive produced this, but, there are more producers than there are actors. Guessing this movie went straight to video. Tons of plot holes, but they are inconsequential compared to the rest of the package. I shouldn't grouse, since I have never produced a movie, nor have I even been IN one,,but,,, ummm,,,,, this one is for Zoe fans only,, and die hard fans, at that...
I've seen a lot of crocodile movies lately. This one is way behind. The cgi will disappoint straight away. The crocodile isn't that big, and it's simply not scary. There's a homespun down South hospitality to the plot, and the script, but its so ordinary. Near the end it's suddenly not that ordinary. This is student quality, and one that needs correction. The story is the main let down (the actors are reasonable with what they have to work with). There are too many holes. And when one of those holes turns out to be intended, well, it's a wow moment. I got to that wow moment. It was ambitious I guess. I don't hate this movie, but it's a fine line. It turned out to be just odd enough, just entertaining enough, that I forgave it.
- robertemerald
- Jan 29, 2019
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The tag line says "be afraid of what you can't see" but after watching this pile of dumpster fire you'll wish this was one thing you hadn't seen.
Zoe Bell 'toplines' this abysmal schlock and is about as good as you'd expect from a movie with totally visible mic-packs, sfx from an iOS app, and the kind of acting, script and directing you can only appreciate if your mind is mush.
It's utterly terrible and does contain a few unintentional laughs, but seriously save yourself 83 minutes and do something, anything else instead.
Go watch Fateful Findings instead.
Zoe Bell 'toplines' this abysmal schlock and is about as good as you'd expect from a movie with totally visible mic-packs, sfx from an iOS app, and the kind of acting, script and directing you can only appreciate if your mind is mush.
It's utterly terrible and does contain a few unintentional laughs, but seriously save yourself 83 minutes and do something, anything else instead.
Go watch Fateful Findings instead.
- colinjbooth
- Jan 5, 2019
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- danjplodge
- Jul 22, 2017
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I will always give props to a bad movie that has the decency to be properly filmed outdoors, in a beautiful scenery. The CGI is very, very bad though mercifully has very short screentime.
Now for all the negatives, which include every other aspect of this production. The acting was very bad. Every character allegedly "went to high school together." However, two of them look much older than the rest, and one of which does not sound like she went to high school in America (thick Russian accent.) There were multiple scenes when a group of "teens" is meant to be reacting to the same horrific scene. In each of them, one of the "teens" can be seen just looking around, or giggling.
The writing, of course is terrible, but that is to be expected with bad movies. What was much more unexpected was the AWFUL score and sound mixing in general. Music was incorporated into the movie with the skill, tact and volume control of a nephew DJing a wedding because it was free. The musical score gave strong "Murder She Wrote end of the episode chase" vibes. The composer should be legally prevented from making future scores.
One of the other reviews mentioned feeling bad for Zoe Bell, but given that she is the executive producer, not just playing the smartest, toughest, coolest scientist this side of the Mississippi, I don't feel too bad for her.
The movie was bad, but it never made me angry at it for being bad. It was quaintly bad. Michael St. Michaels was great. The thought of having him writhe on a deck in the happy baby pose, before the gator was CGIed in was priceless. The twist ending was also very, very funny to me, so that gets this movie a couple extra stars. I wouldn't chose to watch this again, but I also wouldn't leave the room if it was on.
Now for all the negatives, which include every other aspect of this production. The acting was very bad. Every character allegedly "went to high school together." However, two of them look much older than the rest, and one of which does not sound like she went to high school in America (thick Russian accent.) There were multiple scenes when a group of "teens" is meant to be reacting to the same horrific scene. In each of them, one of the "teens" can be seen just looking around, or giggling.
The writing, of course is terrible, but that is to be expected with bad movies. What was much more unexpected was the AWFUL score and sound mixing in general. Music was incorporated into the movie with the skill, tact and volume control of a nephew DJing a wedding because it was free. The musical score gave strong "Murder She Wrote end of the episode chase" vibes. The composer should be legally prevented from making future scores.
One of the other reviews mentioned feeling bad for Zoe Bell, but given that she is the executive producer, not just playing the smartest, toughest, coolest scientist this side of the Mississippi, I don't feel too bad for her.
The movie was bad, but it never made me angry at it for being bad. It was quaintly bad. Michael St. Michaels was great. The thought of having him writhe on a deck in the happy baby pose, before the gator was CGIed in was priceless. The twist ending was also very, very funny to me, so that gets this movie a couple extra stars. I wouldn't chose to watch this again, but I also wouldn't leave the room if it was on.
- leesimon-26357
- Aug 25, 2022
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- Isableue11
- Jun 4, 2016
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This film is predictable, full of poor direction, poorly scripted, and the "special effects" look like they were done by a 7 year old. Even a shoestring budget of a film can afford to put kool aid in the water versus photoshopping red splotches over the water. This is a true B rated movie. The only reason I am still watching it is out of pure curiosity. Some parts seem to be funny, so I am not sure if this is a spoof movie in regards to the creature genre, but even the funny parts are not very funny. And did the gator cut the power and phone lines and steal all the boats? I am not sure, but all I can say is that I will never get this hour and twenty-three minutes back.
- th_counselor
- May 26, 2016
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- sammiedames
- Jun 29, 2020
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I have no doubt that everyone worked hard on this movie and, frankly, I think it's a shame that it misses the mark at a number of points. But I had no problem watching it all the way through and appreciated the scenes in which suspense developed well (especially with the group on the island.) But it was frustrating. Zoe Bell does a good job but was let down by the script, which I think just needed another good go by the writer-director. A return to the editing room would have helped too--mainly to remove stuff rather than revealing! Why oh why did you include that large and silly reveal on the wharf with the poor old fisherman early in the movie? There were some nice things. I hope the writer-director has learned from this one. Good luck! I have certainly been worse entertained by films with double your IMDB rating.
- davidbaldwin-11838
- Apr 29, 2023
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Investigating a series of animal encounters, a wildlife agent and the members of the local police force trying to figure out the bizarre bits of evidence keeping them from announcing everything as crocodile attacks realize the connection might be human instead and try to stop it from attacking locals nearby.
This was a rather fun genre effort with a lot to like about it. One of the finest features here is the highly enjoyable setup that brings about a great small-town feel. The dueling storylines where it deals with the residents of the town are trying to go through their lives including the group of guys trying to flirt with the local girls in town, the deputy trying to show the new sheriff around and the wildlife expert trying to make inroads on the neighbors who are not sure of her qualifications o do her job. These combinations of interlocking storylines keep everything moving along quite nicely in the first half where the scenes of setting this one in motion by providing these storylines early enough. That all gives the multitude of cheesy creature attacks to have a sense of goofy fun to it. By keeping it serious enough while generating a fun time with the cheesy looks of the creature, there's some fun to this one with the opening ambush on the victim by the water, a later sequence on where it grabs an unsuspecting fisherman and the lake attack on the partygoers where it grabs the couple in front of the others. While it comes down quite a bit in the finale where the gator isn't really a big focus as it switches to a different villain, this one does bring about a fine sense of brutality that is a different type of atmosphere altogether as everything goes for a brutal serial killer slasher effort to go along nicely with the cheesy croc effects present to give this some generally likable aspects. There are some issues to be had with this one. One of the biggest letdowns with this one is the utterly unnecessary sidestory about the secondary villain being a part of the film which just doesn't really need to be here. This inclusion doesn't come off integrated well into the film in the first place as these scenarios helping to build it up just don't make sense as the clues are just hamfisted into this it drags the pacing down but also introduces a concept that doesn't need to be there. The other drawbacks with this one is the lousy characters for the trapped group of friends on the island which is incredibly frustrating to look at as they're completely unnatural, keep the group in danger because of their stupidity which just makes it hard to root for them. These manage ot hold it down the most.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
This was a rather fun genre effort with a lot to like about it. One of the finest features here is the highly enjoyable setup that brings about a great small-town feel. The dueling storylines where it deals with the residents of the town are trying to go through their lives including the group of guys trying to flirt with the local girls in town, the deputy trying to show the new sheriff around and the wildlife expert trying to make inroads on the neighbors who are not sure of her qualifications o do her job. These combinations of interlocking storylines keep everything moving along quite nicely in the first half where the scenes of setting this one in motion by providing these storylines early enough. That all gives the multitude of cheesy creature attacks to have a sense of goofy fun to it. By keeping it serious enough while generating a fun time with the cheesy looks of the creature, there's some fun to this one with the opening ambush on the victim by the water, a later sequence on where it grabs an unsuspecting fisherman and the lake attack on the partygoers where it grabs the couple in front of the others. While it comes down quite a bit in the finale where the gator isn't really a big focus as it switches to a different villain, this one does bring about a fine sense of brutality that is a different type of atmosphere altogether as everything goes for a brutal serial killer slasher effort to go along nicely with the cheesy croc effects present to give this some generally likable aspects. There are some issues to be had with this one. One of the biggest letdowns with this one is the utterly unnecessary sidestory about the secondary villain being a part of the film which just doesn't really need to be here. This inclusion doesn't come off integrated well into the film in the first place as these scenarios helping to build it up just don't make sense as the clues are just hamfisted into this it drags the pacing down but also introduces a concept that doesn't need to be there. The other drawbacks with this one is the lousy characters for the trapped group of friends on the island which is incredibly frustrating to look at as they're completely unnatural, keep the group in danger because of their stupidity which just makes it hard to root for them. These manage ot hold it down the most.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
- kannibalcorpsegrinder
- Mar 13, 2023
- Permalink
Wow...! This "movie" (and I use that term lightly) makes it so easy. 1. Bad script, 2. Bad acting, 3. Totally predictable. The "special effects"... beyond bad. In the cabin scene, the banter between the players is completely useless... the deputy has to be the most inept law officer since Barney Fife. His acting is as bad as his totally ill fitting uniform. The "gator expert", amazingly overbearing, and the worst southern accent ever... the CSI agent, I've seen better acting in a high school play. And OMG... could they have found a worse actress to play the "Grandma"? To bad she wasn't eaten by the unbelievably bad giant rubber gator... the abrupt ending was definitely welcome.
- slbarker-04860
- Jan 10, 2023
- Permalink
I love horror, creature feature, syfy, b movies and even really terrible acting with the most rubbish cgi... and I turned this movie off after 15 mins. The acting is standard terrible straight to dvd as expected. The storyline is typical syfy. The gator doesn't even look finished, nor does it always even look like a gator. The background music is repetitive, irritating and cuts out for the dialogue. It's so awful I can't even enjoy it for being bad. Nope, give it a miss and watch any of the other good croc movies. Lake Placid (all of them), Rogue, Crawl, Dinocroc vs Supergator, Alligator, Rampage etc.
- Absthelion
- Mar 17, 2023
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