Kevin Kline credited as playing...
- Maurice: [singing in his workshop] How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die? / It is love we must hold on to, never easy, but we try / Sometimes our happiness is captured, somehow a time and place stand still, / Love lives on inside our hearts, and always will
- Gaston: I am done playing this game of yours. Where is Belle?
- Maurice: The Beast took her and she...
- Gaston: There are no such things as beasts, or talking teacups, or magic! But there are *wolves*, frostbite, and starvation!
- LeFou: [stands up] Deep breaths, Gaston. Deep breaths.
- [Gaston breathes deeply, then turns to Maurice]
- Gaston: So, why don't we just turn around, go back to Villeneuve? I'm sure Belle is at home, cooking up a lovely dinner.
- Maurice: If you think I've made all this up, then why did you offer to help?
- Gaston: BECAUSE I WANT TO MARRY YOUR DAUGHTER! Now, let's go home.
- Maurice: Belle is not at home! She is with the...
- Gaston: [grabs Maurice] You say "beast" one more time, I WILL FEED YOU TO THE WOLVES!
- LeFou: [pulling him away from Maurice] Gaston! Stop it! Breathe, think happy thoughts, go back to the war, bloods, explosions, countless widows.
- Gaston: Widows...
- LeFou: Yes, yes. That's it...
- [Gaston calms down. LeFou taps his nose]
- LeFou: That's it.
- [Gaston turns to Maurice, smiling. Maurice recoils]
- Gaston: Maurice! Please forgive me, old bean. That's no way to talk to my future father-in-law, now is it?
- Maurice: Future father-in-law?
- Gaston: Yeah.
- Maurice: *You* will *never* marry my *daughter*.
- LeFou: [Beat. Then Gaston furiously punches Maurice in the face, knocking him out] I saw that coming.
- Belle: [sees the Beast's silhouette in an upper part of the tower] Who's there? Who are you?
- Beast: [angrily] Who are *you*?
- Belle: I've come for my father!
- Beast: Your father... is a thief!
- Belle: Liar!
- Beast: He stole a rose.
- Belle: I asked for the rose. Punish ME, not him.
- Maurice: No, he means forever. Apparently, that's what happens around here when you pick a flower!
- Belle: [to the Beast] A life sentence for a rose?
- Beast: [leaps down to her section of the tower, but remains hidden in the shadows] I received eternal damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away. Now, do you still wish to take your father's place?
- Belle: Come into the light.
- [the Beast doesn't move. Belle grabs Lumiere and holds him up to his face. Seeing the Beast's intimidating appearance, she gasps in fear]
- Beast: [irked] Choose.
- Maurice: [Belle hands Rose rattle to Maurice] Where did you...?
- Belle: He took me there.
- [pause]
- Belle: I know what happened to Mama.
- Maurice: Then you know why I had to leave her there. I had to protect you. I-I've always tried to protect my little girl. Probably too much.
- Belle: I understand.
- [kisses his hand]
- Belle: Will you help me now?
- Maurice: It's dangerous.
- Belle: Yes. Yes it is.
- Maurice: [to Belle] This is a small village, you know. Small minded as well. But small also means safe. Even back in Paris, I knew a girl like you who was so... ahead of her time. So different. People mocked her. Until the day they all found themselves imitating her.
- Maurice: No. I'm sure this is the way. Do you hear those wolves? That means we're getting very close to the castle.
- Gaston: Look, enough is enough. We have to turn back.
- Maurice: Stop.
- [Gaston stops the cart]
- Maurice: That's it. There it is.
- [he snaps his finger]
- Maurice: That's the tree. I'm sure of it.
- [he gets off the cart]
- Maurice: It-it was downed by lightning at the time. But now it's... resumed an upright position through some sort of... magic or other.
- LeFou: [to Gaston] You really want to marry into this family?
- Maurice: So that means that the... the castle is that - No. No, it's -
- [motions falling tree with his arm]
- Maurice: That way. Definitely that way.
- Jean the Potter: Maurice, do you have any proof of what you're saying?
- Maurice: [to Gaston] Ask Agathe. She rescued me.
- Gaston: You'd hang your accusations on the testimonial of a filthy hag. No offense, Agathe.