Dan Stevens credited as playing...
- Belle: [finds the Beast reading in the garden] What are you reading?
- Beast: [quickly closes the book] Nothing.
- Belle: "Guinevere and Lancelot."
- Beast: [correcting her] Well, actually..."King Arthur and the Round Table." Knights, and men, and swords and things...
- Belle: Still... It's a romance.
- Beast: Alright...
- Beast: [to Belle, opening the enchanted book] A little gift from the Enchantress. A book that truly allows you to escape.
- [blows the dust off it and places it on the stand]
- Belle: [fascinated] How amazing!
- Beast: [sadly] It was her cruelest trick of all. It was just another curse. Perhaps our world has no place for a creature like me. But it can for you.
- [He offers Belle his hand. Belle takes it and he places her hand on the book]
- Beast: Think of the one place that you've always wanted to see. Now find it in your mind's eye and feel it in your heart.
- [Beast frees Belle]
- Beast: [sings] I was the one who had it all, I was the master of my fate / I never needed anybody in my life, I learned the truth too late / I'll never shake away the pain, I close my eyes but she's still there / I let her steal into my melancholy heart, it's more than I can bear / Now I know she'll never leave me, even as she runs away / She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me, move me, come what may / Wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door / I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in and be with me for evermore... / I rage against the trials of love, I curse the fading of the light / Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach, she's never out of sight / Now I know she'll never leave me, even as she fades from view / She will still inspire me, be a part of everything I do / Wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door / I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in, and as the long long nights begin, I'll think of all that might have been / Waiting here for evermore...
- Belle: [hears the servants laughing in the castle] They know how to have a good time.
- Beast: [rolls his eyes] Yes, but when I enter the room, the laughter dies.
- Belle: Me too.
- [the Beast looks at her in surprise]
- Belle: The villagers say that I'm a funny girl. But I'm not sure they mean it as a compliment.
- Beast: I'm sorry. Your village sounds terrible.
- Belle: [sighs] Almost as lonely as your castle.
- Beast: [inspired] What do you say we run away?
- Belle: [reciting lines from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" as the Beast rests] "Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind..."
- Beast: [recites the rest of the line with her] "... and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."
- Belle: [surprised] You know Shakespeare.
- Beast: [rolls over] I had an expensive education.
- Belle: Actually, "Romeo and Juliet"'s my favorite play.
- Beast: [groans exasperatedly] Ugh, why is that not a surprise?
- Belle: [taken aback] I'm sorry?
- Beast: Well, all that heartache, and pining, and...
- [shudders and sticks out his tongue]
- Beast: So many better things to read.
- Belle: [shocked] Like what?
- [Cut to the Beast leading Belle into the castle library]
- Beast: Well, there are a couple of things in here you could start with...
- Belle: [sees the Beast's silhouette in an upper part of the tower] Who's there? Who are you?
- Beast: [angrily] Who are *you*?
- Belle: I've come for my father!
- Beast: Your father... is a thief!
- Belle: Liar!
- Beast: He stole a rose.
- Belle: I asked for the rose. Punish ME, not him.
- Maurice: No, he means forever. Apparently, that's what happens around here when you pick a flower!
- Belle: [to the Beast] A life sentence for a rose?
- Beast: [leaps down to her section of the tower, but remains hidden in the shadows] I received eternal damnation for one. I'm merely locking him away. Now, do you still wish to take your father's place?
- Belle: Come into the light.
- [the Beast doesn't move. Belle grabs Lumiere and holds him up to his face. Seeing the Beast's intimidating appearance, she gasps in fear]
- Beast: [irked] Choose.
- Beast: [to Belle, gruffly] You'll join me for dinner. That's not a request.
- Mrs. Potts: Gently, Master. The girl lost her father *and* her freedom in one day.
- Lumière: Yes, the poor thing is probably in there scared to death.
- Belle: [Unbeknownst to them, Belle has turned her pink gown into a rope so she can escape. The Beast knocks on her bedroom door again, softly this time; nervously] Just a minute.
- Lumière: You see? There she is. Now remember: Be gentle.
- Mrs. Potts: Kind.
- Plumette: Mmm, charming.
- Cogsworth: Sweet!
- Lumière: And when she opens the door, give her a dashing, debonaire smile! Come, come, show me the smile!
- Cogsworth: [the Beast gives a wide smile, showing his monstrous teeth. The servants react in fright] Oh, dear!
- Plumette: Oh, no!
- Beast: [his smile vanishes; he gathers himself and pretends to be gracious] Will you join me for dinner?
- [He turns away and shakes his head at the servants as if to say, "This'll never work"]
- Belle: You've taken me as your prisoner, and now you want to have dinner with me? Are you insane?
- Plumette: [the Beast becomes visibly enraged; the servants back away in fear] Uh-oh! He's losing it!
- Cogsworth: Oh, dear!
- Beast: [pounds on Belle's door, yelling] I told you to join me for dinner!
- Belle: And I told you no!
- Madame Garderobe: [awakens startled] Oh, what time is it? What's happening?
- Belle: I'd *starve* before I ever ate with you!
- Beast: [roaring] Well, be my guest! Go ahead and starve!
- [to Lumiere]
- Beast: If she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat *at all*!
- [storms off]
- Beast: Idiots!
- Beast: [roaring in pain as Belle cleans his wounds] *Ow*! That hurts.
- Belle: If you held still, it wouldn't hurt as much.
- Beast: If you hadn't run away, none of this would have happened.
- Belle: Well, if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!
- Beast: Well, you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!
- Belle: Well, you should learn to control your temper!
- [the Beast turns away, too tired to argue. Belle finishes cleaning his wounds; he doesn't protest this time]
- Belle: Try to get some rest.
- Belle: [singing] "This is the Paris of my childhood/These were the borders of my life/In this crumbling, dusty attic/Where an artist loved his wife/Easy to remember/Harder to move on/Knowing the Paris of my childhood/Is gone"
- [she sits on the bed as the Beast walks around to the other side of the room]
- Beast: What happened to your mother?
- Belle: It was the one story Papa could never bring himself to tell me. I knew better than to ask.
- Beast: [he looks to the chair and gasps softly] A doctor's mask...
- [he pauses]
- Beast: Plague.
- [flashback to a plague doctor closing his medicine case. Belle's mother lays sick on the bed behind him]
- Plague Doctor: We have to leave. Now.
- Belle's Mother: [to Young Maurice] Go, before it takes her too.
- [he picks up a crying infant Belle as her mother kisses the rose he left behind. Back to present, Belle clutching her crib]
- Beast: I'm sorry I ever called your father a thief.
- Belle: [whispers] Let's go home.
- [the Beast enters the dining room and sees a dinner plate on his side. He sits down and sees another plate set up across from him. He pushes away the plate in a fit of rage]
- Beast: [roars] *Lumiere*!
- [Lumière and Cogsworth get startled]
- Lumière: [turns to Cogsworth] Be calm. Let me do the talking.
- [the Beast bursts through the door]
- Beast: You're making her dinner?
- Lumière: We thought you might appreciate the company.
- Cogsworth: Master, I just want to assure you that I had no part of this hopeless plan. Preparing her dinner, designing a gown for her, giving her a suite in the East Wing...
- Beast: You gave her a bedroom?
- Cogsworth: No, no, no! *He* gave her the bedroom.
- Lumière: Well, this is true. But, if this girl is the one who can break the spell, then maybe you can start by using dinner to charm her.
- [turns to Cogsworth, bonks]
- Lumière: Good thinking, Cogsworth.
- Cogsworth: What?
- Beast: That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. Charm the prisoner.
- Lumière: But you must try, master. With every passing day, we become less human.
- Beast: She's the *daughter* of a common thief. What kind of person do you think that makes her?
- Mrs. Potts: Now you can't judge people by who their father is, now can you?
- [the Beast sighs]
- Cogsworth: Well, Master, I have had my doubts, but everything is moving like clockwork. True love really does win the day!
- Beast: I let her go.
- Cogsworth: [shocked] You what?
- Lumière: Master, how could you do that?
- Beast: I had to.
- Cogsworth: But why?
- Mrs. Potts: Because he loves her.
- Lumière: Then why are we not human?
- Cogsworth: Because she doesn't love him. And now, it's too late.
- Plumette: [hopefully] But she might come back.
- Beast: No. I set her free. I'm sorry I couldn't do the same for all of you. Now, go. Our time is almost past.