Obviously, this 1-hour documentary can't cover every aspect of AI from every perspective with every nuance expertly explained, so IDK why so many other reviewers seem to bash it for not doing those things. It's only an hour, and it does a good job of touching on many of the issues & perspectives. Do we need AI? Of course. Will there be abuse? Of course. Is that already happening? Of course. Will it get worse? Of course. Will anyone try to slow that process down?
That's what I see as the real point of this documentary, and in that light, it does an excellent job of presenting the arguments for slowing down right beside the arguments for speeding up. That's why I think some reviewers were confused, or thought that the documentary was confused/confusing. It doesn't make an argument, and then answer that argument - it raises the issue to be debated & dealt with in a way that the average viewer can follow & (hopefully) appreciate.
Because EVERY example shown of AI being used, and the few examples shown of it being ABused, were dangerously easy for any government, corporation, faction, religion, glee club, or introvert next door to accomplish with no special training or equipment.
The military applications are the LEAST-worrying.