The script was an Academy Nicholl Fellowships Semifinalist, was selected for the BBC Writersroom 2012, won Second Place in the Screenwriting Goldmine International Competition, and was awarded twice at the ENGAGE International Pitching Forum.
Olwen Kelly's first role. She was modeling when she came across an online ad on Gumtree for an actress to appear in a film. "The description fitted me, and there was no dialogue. So I thought 'oh I could do that. Brilliant!", she said in an interview. So she sent emailed headshots and the producers replied immediately. They said if they were successful in gaining funding, the part was hers, no audition necessary. Several weeks later, back in London, she received another email saying funding had been acquired and was she still interested in the part, which was now a speaking part. "As naive as I was, I thought 'yeah sure cool, where do you want me to go?' They said 'oh no, we need to Skype you, and we need you to know we're not perverts on the internet'. I mean, it's an ad on Gumtree asking for a girl to be in their film, it could have gone really wrong," she laughed.
Emma Eliza Regan performed her first nude scene in this film. A snippet of this can be seen in the trailer as she removes her bra.
Olwen Catherine Kelly's debut.