This is a true crime documentary series that is more about personalities than the events that took place. It follows the lives of the last heir to the throne of Italy and the sister of the boy who he killed. I don't think the series is as interesting as it could have been. I think the reason is that while Savoy did kill the boy it was not by any objective reasoning murder. It was manslaughter. He got into an argument and in the course of an argument fired a rifle as a warning shot, was immediately jumped by another man who pushed him into the water and as he fell the rifle discharged and the bullet went through the wall of a nearby boat and shot an 18 year old boy. The boy eventually died. The Savoy family had a lot of influence on this island and so the investigation was delayed but there was a trial and he was acquitted. Was it a fair trial? No, probably not, but convicting him of murder also I think would have been an exaggeration. The sense of entitlement that savoy emits just makes him an unlikable character and it's easy to see how he got into that situation. And while I empathize immense with the family of the boy who was killed for me it just seems like a tragic accident. The rest of his shady deals were probably much more criminal.