I watched Fargo season 1, and it was amazing. I loved the characters, the storyline and Malvo himself was incredible. I heard that someone who is called V. M Varga is a good villain too, and he is from season 3. So i am gonna probably watch season 3, and that's it. Because I have no intentions for watching s2 or else cause i feel like the actors and the surroundings aint my style. S1 of Fargo that i watched couple of days/weeks ago was perfect and when i noticed Fargo i thought its gonna be the same things for 5 seasons but then i was sad when i read that every season its different. I also think that i watched ep9 and ep10 of s1 like 10y ago, but i dont remember it cause it was long ago, i got that vibe feeling of deja-vu when Malvo shot those people in elevator in ep9, i got deja-vu when he got trapped in the beartrap in ep10, and i got deja-vu when he was sitting in his wooden house also in ep10. Before i started watching s1 i thought its gonna be a whole different vibe and whole different actors but i got something else that i didnt even expect, but vibe of something that you wanted to be other vibe doesnt mean its bad, and this rating confirms it.