This show starring "Egoraptor" Arin Hanson and Danny Avidan is truly a masterpiece. Game Grumps is actually separated into 2 separate shows, "Game Grumps" and "Steam Train". While the show itself was actually created by Arin Hanson and "JonTron" Jon Jafari, Jon recently left the show and was replaced by Danny instead. On Game Grumps, the "Grumps" play games that fans send to them, for example, they have been sent Glover for the Nintendo 64 a lot for some reason. On Steam Train, Danny and "RubberNinja" Ross O'Donovan play PC games such as FTL or Skyrim. Both shows have sub-shows, Game Grumps having Game Grumps VS, a show where the Grumps go head to head, and Steam Train having Steam Rolled, a show where Arin and Ross play PC games with "Razzadoop" Barry Kramer (also the editor of Game Grumps) and "Mortem3r" Suzy Hanson. The show has over 1 mil. subscribers on YouTube, and is truly one of the funniest and greatest shows on the Internet.