20 reviews
- scorpionmasterdanny
- Jun 16, 2014
- Permalink
Since I'm a big fan of the original series, Xiaolin Showdown (I grew up watching it every Saturday), Xiaolin Chronicles isn't really a continuation of Xiaolin Showdown regardless of what many people might think. I conducted an interview with the show's producer a while back on a school project, and I found out that one of the major differences was that the network/studio required this new series be episodic. This surprising requirement presented big creative challenges in storytelling for the writers, since they wanted to tell evolving stories in the tradition of Xiaolin Showdown. Evolving stories require longer arcs, spanning over multiple episodes, which resulted in many 2-parters and 3-parters in Xiaolin Showdown. The old series was serialized through and through. As each season of Xiaolin Showdown progressed, the seasonal arcs also evolved. That's one of the reasons why Xiaolin Showdown was a great kids show. Without the ability to write shows in a serialized manner, this takes a way a lot of opportunity for character growth, story build up, and evolving conflicts, just to name a few. We all know that plots need time to develop, evolve, and thicken
I understand this even though I am not a professional writer. Therefore, Xiaolin Chronicles is not meant to be a reboot or continuation of Xiaolin Showdown, and it is unfair to compare them under the same light. Additionally, Xiaolin Chronicles is made under very different circumstances, with many creative constraints. For starters, it was not even made in the US, and the crew spoke French. So there, it should tell you how different the production settings were between the two shows. The old show — a product of a major US studio. The new one - a product made in France by a small independent. So all things considered, I'd say Xiaolin Chronicles turned out great. It's a fun action adventure show. Having said that, I still like the fact that the Xiaolin monks are back! It served the purpose of re-introducing the Xiaolin monks to a new set of audience. And I love that there is a new monk joining the adventure. Sure there are always things to pick on
in any given show. But to me, it's always fun to watch Xiaolin. However, I'd love it even more if the new Xiaolin shows can be done in a serialized fashion, so that the stories can evolve and grow in order to bring out the best that Xiaolin has to offer. Stay true and stay faithful to Xiaolin Showdown. That'd be a good thing.
When I was younger, I LOVED watching Xiaolin Showdown. Everything about Showdown is great... I wish I could say the same about Chronicles however. I saw the sequel announced years ago and it caught my attention but never got around to it until recently. I decided to re-watch Showdown first and grew to appreciate it even more as an adult. It's funny, clever, original, entertaining, and has good character development. Chronicles possesses everything BUT those characteristics. I don't even know where to begin with this huge letdown of a series.
First and foremost, this is NOT a sequel despite what it's labeled as. It's basically some form of spinoff series I guess? Reason I say this is because some of the backstories don't match up with the original at all. Shen Gong Wu have different names (I get it's because of copyright but I don't care) and some of them don't even have the same powers as the ones from Showdown such as the Golden Tiger Claws for instance. Instead of transporting you anywhere in the world, it travels through time. Most of voice actors are different (not necessarily why I hate it, but it's still a letdown). They introduce a new character Ping Pong (basically a mini-Omi who's less egotistical) who is just downright boring, obnoxious, and uninspiring. Ping Pong basically adds nothing to the series. Dojo is the worst of them all. Aside from the fact that he's yellow now for whatever reason, he also has a huge obsession/hard-on for Master Fung. Like REALLY obsessed, to the point where he's just down right unbearable. Always calling him lovey dovey nicknames and day dreaming about him. It doesn't help that when he senses a new Wu now he gets some kind of rash boil attack that's really not pleasing to look at.
Even the showdowns itself aren't even exciting to watch anymore. They decided to make them CGI which is odd since Showdown didn't do this. Even the transition from reality to the showdowns are rather weak. It used to be exciting watching two characters challenge each other, explain the game details, yell "XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!", then everything just transitions around them to transform into the showdown arena. You just knew before they even touched the Wu that things were about to go down. Now it just doesn't have the same feel. Feels like they just quickly rush into the showdown, Dojo does this spinning thing in front of the screen, then everything becomes CGI.
I wanted to enjoy this, I really did, but completing this was very difficult for me to do and I constantly wanted to drop it. I even found myself not paying attention at times because I would distract myself with other things due to how much boring it ultimately is.
If you are a fan of Showdown and plan on watching Chronicles, I recommend watching it with very low expectations.
First and foremost, this is NOT a sequel despite what it's labeled as. It's basically some form of spinoff series I guess? Reason I say this is because some of the backstories don't match up with the original at all. Shen Gong Wu have different names (I get it's because of copyright but I don't care) and some of them don't even have the same powers as the ones from Showdown such as the Golden Tiger Claws for instance. Instead of transporting you anywhere in the world, it travels through time. Most of voice actors are different (not necessarily why I hate it, but it's still a letdown). They introduce a new character Ping Pong (basically a mini-Omi who's less egotistical) who is just downright boring, obnoxious, and uninspiring. Ping Pong basically adds nothing to the series. Dojo is the worst of them all. Aside from the fact that he's yellow now for whatever reason, he also has a huge obsession/hard-on for Master Fung. Like REALLY obsessed, to the point where he's just down right unbearable. Always calling him lovey dovey nicknames and day dreaming about him. It doesn't help that when he senses a new Wu now he gets some kind of rash boil attack that's really not pleasing to look at.
Even the showdowns itself aren't even exciting to watch anymore. They decided to make them CGI which is odd since Showdown didn't do this. Even the transition from reality to the showdowns are rather weak. It used to be exciting watching two characters challenge each other, explain the game details, yell "XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!", then everything just transitions around them to transform into the showdown arena. You just knew before they even touched the Wu that things were about to go down. Now it just doesn't have the same feel. Feels like they just quickly rush into the showdown, Dojo does this spinning thing in front of the screen, then everything becomes CGI.
I wanted to enjoy this, I really did, but completing this was very difficult for me to do and I constantly wanted to drop it. I even found myself not paying attention at times because I would distract myself with other things due to how much boring it ultimately is.
If you are a fan of Showdown and plan on watching Chronicles, I recommend watching it with very low expectations.
- hashtagbluejay
- Feb 9, 2022
- Permalink
In early 2014, it was announced that the second season of this Xiaolin adventure will be produced. But this animated television show appears to be canceled after only 26 episodes of its first season. Was this occurred because Warden, one of characters of this animated television show, bears a resemblance to Professor Shinigami, one of the principal antagonists of the "Dream Hunter Rem" anime franchise, that lasted in Japan from 1985 until 1992? Why this new Xiaolin adventure has only Canadian voice talent residing in Los Angeles in its voice cast? Was this occurred because the voices are recorded in Vancouver? To make things worse, this new Xiaolin adventure also deviates heavily from the original "Xiaolin Showdown" (2003). And why they decided that Eric Bauza should voice all male villains in this animated television show, except for Chase Young, who is voiced by David Kaye? I don't know, but if the voices for this new Xiaolin adventure are really recorded in Vancouver and if Hannibal Roy Bean appears in its second season, I think that Mark Acheson, who is the voice of Lord Tirek in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" (2010), should be the first and only choice for this voice-over role.
- siratlas1968
- Jul 23, 2015
- Permalink
I loved Xiaolin Showdown. I also like Xiaolin Chronicles. This show is a different Xiaolin series, made with a different approach. For starters, Xiaolin Chronicles is not a "reboot" of the original series despite what many fans thought (or hoped). It's episodic, while the original series was serialized. This factor alone makes the two series different in storytelling. It was probably due to a network demand since the producers know better. Having said that, the magical adventures are entertaining to watch, and it's great fun to see the Xiaolin gang kicking butt. Sure, I'd love to see a real reboot, with the original cast grown up, facing new personal challenges and perhaps a new set of villains. But Xiaolin Chronicles was not made for the old fans. It was made for 6-11 years old kids! This is why it aired on Disney XD in US. Why do you think it ranked #7 on Nickandmore.com among 30 new shows that came out in 2015? It's because this new series is a very good show for kids.
- surfpuppyz
- Aug 2, 2017
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Fun and entertaining. Like that there are aspiring young characters and also there's a backstory, although I'd love to see more from that old world. Animation can be improved, especially in the CGI portions. Overall, we really liked the adventure stories. What a kick! My kids love Dojo the dragon. Goofy. Where can I find some toys? A mobile game would be great, too!
- springjeunesse
- Aug 3, 2017
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- ethanlee-34082
- Jul 16, 2015
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First of, I am glad to see the Xiaolin gang is kicking back. Omi makes me chuckle, and my favorite characters is the dragon, Dojo. I'd love to see more shows on other characters like Raimundo and Clay in the future though. More importantly, I'd love to see bigger, deeper story lines; but having worked in the industry myself, it is sometimes a struggle, especially if the networks want the show a certain way, like serialized vs. episodic. In this case, I found out (from someone who worked on the show) that they were required to deliver the show episodically. That's too bad. Because to tell bigger stories, there needs to be more time, spanning over multiple episodes. I think this series could be even stronger if the stories were serialized. And Xiaolin lends itself well as a serialized show. Take a look at the original Xiaolin Showdown, it was great and it was serialized. I'd say that Xiaolin Chronicles is not a continuation of the original storyline. The whole format is different. So while Xiaolin Chronicles is still fun to watch, it has the potential to be even better. This is why I'm giving this new series a 4-star, where Xiaolin Showdown would be a 5. What can I say? Sorry about that. But that's just did, it's show biz. Business decisions often put a lot of limitations on the creative front and sometimes things don't pan out. So all things considered, I love the fact that the new show brings back the classic characters and introduced a few new ones. I do hope they can figure out a good way to make more. And this time, please make the new shows serialized. Personally, I'd love to see Dashi and Wuya from the ancient days, to see what that world was like. Perhaps even an origin story. There's a lot of potential with Xiaolin, because there are already multiple universes in existence, with many unique and interesting characters. So please don't stop here. Bring back more Xiaolin
And this time, go back to the roots! Do a proper, kickass reboot of Xiaolin Showdown!
Xiaolin Chronicles is a show that tries to be a continuation, but when it ended after only 26 episodes, would be labeled a stand alone show. While I have seen Xiaolin Showdown when it aired on Cartoon Network, this continuation was made without Warner Bros. As a result, the Shen Gong Wu have been renamed because WB owns the rights to the original names (Orb Of Tornami is now called Orb of Torpedo, and Monkey Staff is now called Monkey Spear),which I understood as this is done by a different company, as well as the change of some voice actors due to it being made in Canada, and Canadian laws require an all-Canadian voice cast (although Tara Strong and Jennifer Hale do return from Showdown to voice Omi and Katnappe).
So, the story is that Omi, Clay, and Kimiko have reached the title of Shuko Warriors (a title Raymundo reached in the final episode of Showdown), and now must find a new Xiaolin Temple after events lead to its destruction. Joining them is Ping Pong, a new Xiaolin Monk who is basically a mini-me of Omi, and they face threats old and new.
So, the thing with this series is it can't make up its mind on whether or not it's a continuation or a reboot. A lot of things have changed, as Dojo is now yellow, the first episode changes the tale of Dashi's fight with Wuya where he imprisons her in a spring, and the characters' personalities have been changed (with Omi getting the worst of it, as he becomes a brat who tends to hog the spotlight, and Raymundo is not the leader of the group). I don't know if these changes were also done to avoid legal issues with Warner Bros., since Christy Hui did return to direct, but it can be jarring at first.
Another thing keeping it down is the new character Ping Pong. He is basically a mini-me of Omi in different clothes, and a good example of what a Gary Stu is, as despite being a novice (and his element being wood), he can use the others' elements without problem (which contradicts an episode of Xiaolin Showdown). Also, Chase Young gets a sidekick named Shadow, who is basically a Villain Sue, only there to be the sexy character. Also, character backstories are different than in Showdown, which can cause confusion.
But one of the worst things in this series is how the Xiaolin Showdowns are done. Now they are done in CGI, and sadly, for 2013 standards, it looks so generic and bland. While the action is good and it is nice to see Xiaolin Showdown brought back, I feel this failed due to the changes it made, hence why Hui would call this a stand alone series instead of a continuation.
So, the story is that Omi, Clay, and Kimiko have reached the title of Shuko Warriors (a title Raymundo reached in the final episode of Showdown), and now must find a new Xiaolin Temple after events lead to its destruction. Joining them is Ping Pong, a new Xiaolin Monk who is basically a mini-me of Omi, and they face threats old and new.
So, the thing with this series is it can't make up its mind on whether or not it's a continuation or a reboot. A lot of things have changed, as Dojo is now yellow, the first episode changes the tale of Dashi's fight with Wuya where he imprisons her in a spring, and the characters' personalities have been changed (with Omi getting the worst of it, as he becomes a brat who tends to hog the spotlight, and Raymundo is not the leader of the group). I don't know if these changes were also done to avoid legal issues with Warner Bros., since Christy Hui did return to direct, but it can be jarring at first.
Another thing keeping it down is the new character Ping Pong. He is basically a mini-me of Omi in different clothes, and a good example of what a Gary Stu is, as despite being a novice (and his element being wood), he can use the others' elements without problem (which contradicts an episode of Xiaolin Showdown). Also, Chase Young gets a sidekick named Shadow, who is basically a Villain Sue, only there to be the sexy character. Also, character backstories are different than in Showdown, which can cause confusion.
But one of the worst things in this series is how the Xiaolin Showdowns are done. Now they are done in CGI, and sadly, for 2013 standards, it looks so generic and bland. While the action is good and it is nice to see Xiaolin Showdown brought back, I feel this failed due to the changes it made, hence why Hui would call this a stand alone series instead of a continuation.
- jeremycrimsonfox
- Jul 8, 2020
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Watched this show with my grandson who is 6-years-old. Had a blast. His favorite character is Raymundo and mine are Dojo and the cowboy. I'd say all the main characters are pretty well defined, with unique traits and quirks. Good character development in general. Liked that there is a backstory from the old days. I'd bet they can go a lot deeper into that world
Would be fascinating if they would ever make it. Hope so. Would really like to see more stories on Raymundo, may be next season? Master Fung should be in more stories also. He's quite the character and can make the show richer. If I had to be super critical, the animation, especially the 3D part, can be improved. Overall, it's a fun, entertaining show for kids. Love the magical adventures myself. Wish there is a virtual reality component where we can fly on Dojo. Now that'd be some magical adventure! My grandson now wants a sword just like the one Raymundo uses. Where to get it?
- ninjapufftv
- Jul 26, 2017
- Permalink
Xiaolin Showdown is one of the greatest shows ever made. It's clever, funny and awesome. When they announced that a continuation was coming, I was excited. Unfortunately, after I saw the five or six episodes, I was so disappointed. The jokes were disgusting, renaming the Shen Gong Wu is as worst as the mispronunciations of Aang and Sokka's name. Thanks a lot, Shyamalan. The voice acting was lacking. Even with the great Tara Strong voicing Omi again wasn't enough to overshadow the new voice cast that didn't honor their successors. Christy Hui created such a legendary show and she dropped the ball with this nonexistent spin off. Ping Pong was a great character but come on. His element is wood? It could have been lightning or something cool. Xiaolin Showdown will always be superior though the series finale was a head scratcher. Instead of having one last epic Xiaolin Showdown, Omi goes back in time to stop Hannibal Bean from turning Chase Young evil. He succeeded but he eventually has to restore the timeline making the whole finale, well, a waste of "time." I don't know if Christy Hui got into a fight with Warner Brothers that led to this spin off but I want to redo the finale of Xiaolin Showdown into a movie and pretend Chronicles doesn't exist. Kinda like when Terminator Dark Fate wanted audiences to forget that Salvation and Genesys. Hopefully, I can save our childhood before its permanent. Overall, don't watch it. It's garbage and an insult to its predecessor.
- ryanperez-1999
- Jun 15, 2021
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Love the magical adventures and the Shen Gong Wu! My favorite Wu is the Cheetah Claws so I can go anywhere. If I had to be super critical, sure, the CGI animation can be improved. Having said that, I should also mention that this is a kids TV series, and naturally lacks the big budget of a feature and the backing of a major studio. So all things considered, it's a fun adventurous show for kids. I'd love to take a dragon ride on Dojo. What fun! Can't wait to watch it again on Amazon. My nephew and I watched it together while it was playing on Disney XD. It sure brings back good o' childhood memories—love Xiaolin Showdown!
- samcdermott-54505
- Jul 23, 2017
- Permalink
This is a non-spoiler review. Xiaoling Chronicles (XC) is a reboot/semi- continuation of a 2003 show called Xiaolin Showdown (XS). Within the first episode an alternate continuity is established, clearly saying not to take into account the previous show too much. However, some parts of XC are difficult to understand without previously knowing the underlying lore. This can cause confusion as to what the show is intended to be for XS fans and comprehension problems for new audiences. The show lacks in continuity and consistency. There is no apparent overarching plot line. There is awkward pacing and locations of characters and items frequently do not match up even within the scope of single episodes, not to mention between episodes. In the fights within the show engagement rules change without warning or explanation. Most of the show is animated in 2D and looks decent. The rest is rendered in 3D, and in it the character models are well designed. However, there are numerous problems ranging from poor choreography and failed lip syncing to bland and predictable sets. The voice acting is quite well done, but is unfortunately overshadowed by poor writing. The dialogue feels forced at times and sometimes suggestive enough for too young an audience to pick up the double entendres. Gross toilet humor is present in almost every episode. Most of the characters are both flanderized and stereotyped, with little or no character development. Some relationships are inappropriately suggestive, and others seem contrived. I would not recommend watching this show for entertainment, but perhaps for a study of what problems can be present in Western Animation to ensure future shows do not employ these tactics. I do understand it is likely a lot of work went in to the production of this show, and I do appreciate the dedication, but certain negative elements cause XC to be perceived as poorly made. 4/10.
Watched it with my nephew who's 7-years-old. Loved it! Yes, Xiaolin Chronicles is different from the original Xiaolin Showdown that I grew up watching. It's not a continuing saga of Xiaolin Showdown. The format of the show is different. It's more like a side chapter of the Xiaolin gang, introducing a new monk. Still love the adventures, magical showdowns and the Shen Gong Wu. Would like to see a proper reboot of the original series, like the original characters are now grown up. Or some origin stories from the ancient days with Dashi and Wuya, fighting monsters and such. That would be epic. Keep more Xiaolin shows coming.
- goldendynastyllc
- Aug 3, 2017
- Permalink
Why did u ruin my childhood? If u were gonna make this sooo worst better not reboot it at all, No need of a new french lil annoying omi( only one was good enough), pathetic voices, sheng bong wu names are also weird, bad animation especially when there's a xaolin showdown, and what about raimundo being the leader??? They just cut off the story out of the frame like that, didn't like it at all.
- safatansari
- Mar 15, 2018
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XIAOLIN CHRONICLES is not perfect - nevertheless I gave it a top score. Like many of my colleagues, I wanted to parse it and grade it through a technical prism to extricate the do's and the don'ts of animation art. And, of course, I have every opinionated right to do that. But while watching XC with that intent, I seem to always get wrapped up in the engrossing story, splashy, fast moving animation art, and the contagious stream of constant action only possessed by XC, which makes me loose my original mission as critic and become, unaware, into an engrossed spectator! Obviously, adults are not primarily the group this show was created for, although some of the humor content probably wouldn't be understood but only by the oldest of the young. But when kids get together and get vicariously involved in XC, they don't need the "critic" excuse to get totally absorbed in the proceedings of the show. Xiaolin Chronicles animation series does superbly what it was created for - spectacular visuals, engrossing story content and plain great kid fun. I sure love to watch it, even if I don't count!
- pavel-76264
- Jul 25, 2017
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- jennifergaray105
- Oct 19, 2014
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Xiaolin Chronicles is a sequel to Xiaolin Showdown-it has the four monks joined by a new monk named Ping Pong as they continue to search for Shen Gong wu and battle the heylin side including newcomer Shadow. It may not be the Xiaolin that fans remember from showdown, but it's full of new adventures and side stories-I'm guessing it takes place after Hannibal is defeated or a year or two later.
You can say it's a diamond in the rough, but it shines brightest when it shows it's beautiful diamond scales to those who see it as a work of art. Quirky, funny, weird at times, but it's a fun and exciting show for anyone to watch. It's also fun to compare Chronicles to Showdown too even coming up with fun theories.
Xiaolin Chronicles is a show for everyone to watch and behold.
You can say it's a diamond in the rough, but it shines brightest when it shows it's beautiful diamond scales to those who see it as a work of art. Quirky, funny, weird at times, but it's a fun and exciting show for anyone to watch. It's also fun to compare Chronicles to Showdown too even coming up with fun theories.
Xiaolin Chronicles is a show for everyone to watch and behold.
I originally watched this show when it first came out in 2013. Back then I was very turned off by what I saw within the first 3 episodes. So much so that it put me to sleep watching the 4th and I never bothered finishing it again. 10 years later I recently rewatched and finished Xiaolin Showdown and figured I'd give this show another chance because I just love Showdown that much. After sitting through all 26 episodes, I have to say that I should've learned my lesson the first time I watched this show, because man what a big waste of time.
Chronicles biggest weakness is that it never knows what it's trying to be. One minute it's a Sequel/continuation of where the Xiaolin Showdown left off, the next it's a complete reboot that changes the names, references and entire plot backstories which were vital to the previous shows identity.
Aside from Omi (voiced by Tara Strong) the entire cast has been re-casted with new voice actors who unfortunately miss the mark of brining a strong performance to their respected characters. The show does get some points for animation quality, but even that's not enough to save this hot mess.
When you get right down to it this show lacks the same originality, entertainment and charm it's predecessor had. It's a project that DID NOT need to happen and it really doesn't add anything of value towards the Xiaolin Showdown story which is a huge disappointment considering what a cult classic the first show really was.
Chronicles biggest weakness is that it never knows what it's trying to be. One minute it's a Sequel/continuation of where the Xiaolin Showdown left off, the next it's a complete reboot that changes the names, references and entire plot backstories which were vital to the previous shows identity.
Aside from Omi (voiced by Tara Strong) the entire cast has been re-casted with new voice actors who unfortunately miss the mark of brining a strong performance to their respected characters. The show does get some points for animation quality, but even that's not enough to save this hot mess.
When you get right down to it this show lacks the same originality, entertainment and charm it's predecessor had. It's a project that DID NOT need to happen and it really doesn't add anything of value towards the Xiaolin Showdown story which is a huge disappointment considering what a cult classic the first show really was.
- CheeseBoyyyy27
- Aug 31, 2023
- Permalink
So after what was arguably a pretty good show got cancelled because they couldn't make any merch to sell, someone at CN saw the success of Despicable Me and thought: what can we make that has characters that look like Minions?! IDEAS?! Xiaolin Showdown?! Let's do it!
I mean, you tell me. Tell me what was the point of introducing another minu Omi who was more annoying and sounded more squeaky other than trying to have their own Minion merchandise?
So to make a soft reboot while not officially a reboot but definitely a reboot, and doing the same things but cheapening out even more on animation for cheap cheese 3D animation that Jonny Quest did 20 years ago during battles. What do all these ingredients make this soup? Why it's definitely NOT the Lah Oh Mah soup for immortality, it's the stinky cheese soup of Amnesia. Because no one wants to remember this series ever happened.
I have to say that this series looks nicer, but the writing is definitely not as crisp and clean. Jokes of disgust leaves you with more disgust (just look at the last picture on this series and you tell me if this is funny joke). The jokes about Jack getting beaten around definitely feel like they have been cut by the new censor of the studio. I guess that only leaves childish rug rats jokes of disgust.
But my problem comes again to the mini minion. Why would you ruin the formula with a 2nd Omi? Why did you need to change all the names of weapons of the very show you made 5 year earlier?! Oh yeah, to avoid paying those royalties to the original writers.
Am I glad that this idea ended on such an embersssing reboot? Yeah, kind of. It shows why reboots should not be attempted. Just because Scooby Doo can do it, doesn't mean that anything can.
I mean, you tell me. Tell me what was the point of introducing another minu Omi who was more annoying and sounded more squeaky other than trying to have their own Minion merchandise?
So to make a soft reboot while not officially a reboot but definitely a reboot, and doing the same things but cheapening out even more on animation for cheap cheese 3D animation that Jonny Quest did 20 years ago during battles. What do all these ingredients make this soup? Why it's definitely NOT the Lah Oh Mah soup for immortality, it's the stinky cheese soup of Amnesia. Because no one wants to remember this series ever happened.
I have to say that this series looks nicer, but the writing is definitely not as crisp and clean. Jokes of disgust leaves you with more disgust (just look at the last picture on this series and you tell me if this is funny joke). The jokes about Jack getting beaten around definitely feel like they have been cut by the new censor of the studio. I guess that only leaves childish rug rats jokes of disgust.
But my problem comes again to the mini minion. Why would you ruin the formula with a 2nd Omi? Why did you need to change all the names of weapons of the very show you made 5 year earlier?! Oh yeah, to avoid paying those royalties to the original writers.
Am I glad that this idea ended on such an embersssing reboot? Yeah, kind of. It shows why reboots should not be attempted. Just because Scooby Doo can do it, doesn't mean that anything can.
- julianmarku
- Apr 24, 2022
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