The novel was involved in controversy when on Friday, day 26 of December of 2014, the RTP censored gay kiss between Xavier (Sisley Dias) and David (Duarte Gomes). Both are in David's house for dinner when, after seeing a rapprochement between the two, the scene is cut off abruptly. The next scene is only possible to see the two characters move away it and to talk about what happened and alleged kiss.
Due to the success of the core of the novel taxi drivers, the same (although still in the novel) went to the theater with the title " Taxi d'Os Our Days ", this same play went on television to 11 of Janeiro of 2015 on BBC1, its cast was composed of: Sandra Faleiro, Anabela, Rui Melo, Joaquim Nicolau, Rosa do Canto, Miguel Costa and Ana Guiomar.